In 1718 Defoe was 1___ (NEARly) sixty years old. He had a full and 2___ (INTERESTing) life. He 3___ (TRAVELled), tried many professions and wrote many books and pamphlets. In 1712 Defoe met a 4___ (SAILor) who had been on a desert island. Alexander Selkirk was his name. for more than four years he had lived alone on that island, managing not only to stay alive, but also to make himself fairly 5___ (COMFORTable). At last he was rescued through the happy chance of a ship putting in at this island for water. When he ___ (FINALly) returned to London, his adventures became the talk of the town. Several accounts of his experiences were printed, read and soon 7___ (FORGoTten).But Defoe didn’t forget. Selkirk’s unique experience captured his 8___ (IMAGINation). What would a man do, all alone? How would he live? Thus Defoe turned to writing the story of a shipwrecked man. He chose an island in a 9___ (DIFFERent) part of the world for his story and created an imaginary character for his hero, Robinson Crusoe. With his skill as a 10___ (JOURNAList) he was able to make his story seem absolutely true. The book was a great success
'I am making notes of our interview. I hope you don't mind.' 'No, that's OK.'
'What languages do you speak?' 'English, French and Spanish.'
'I'm glad we are doing this interview in English. My French isn't very good.'
'Who plays that guitar?' 'My son, when he has time.'
'Who is playing the piano upstairs?' 'My sister. She's got a concert tomorrow.'
'What is she playing 'I think it's a piece by Mozart.'
'Does she play anything else?' 'The violin. She's very musical.'
'Your daughter's very keen on sport, isn't she?' 'She plays tennis.'
'Where is she now?' 'She is playing tennis, as usual.'
'What's that delicious smell?' 'My husband is cooking.'
'Is that usual?' 'Yes, I normally do shopping and my husband cooks.'
'What a lovely clock!' 'It doesn't work, I'm afraid – it's been broken for years.
'Could I use your phone?' 'I'm afraid it isn't working at the moment.'