Дружина для перенесення є конкурс, в якому чоловіки конкуренти гонки в той час як кожен з яких несе жіночу товариша по команді. Мета полягає в тому для чоловіка, щоб нести жінку через спеціальну смугу перешкод доріжки в найкоротші терміни. Цей вид спорту вперше був введений в Sonkajärvi, Фінляндія.Існує кілька типів перенесення може бути реалізовано на практиці: контрейлерних, перенесення пожежного (через плече), або естонському стилі (дружина висить догори-вниз з її ноги навколо плечей чоловіка, тримаючись за талію).
The room was cold because the window had been open all night. 2. He was excited because he received a telegram from home. 3. He did not want to have lunch with us because he had already eaten at the institute. 4. We won't let you go until you have lunch with us. 5. No one will talk to you until you take it back. 6. As soon as I got off the train, he ran up to me. 7. As he told this story, we became more and more interested. 8. I understood her idea only after I talked to her.
9. I advise you to think before you make a decision. 10. You will never learn how to write articles until you try to write something yourself.
The room was cold because the window had been open all night. 2. He was excited because he received a telegram from home. 3. He did not want to have lunch with us because he had already eaten at the institute. 4. We won't let you go until you have lunch with us. 5. No one will talk to you until you take it back. 6. As soon as I got off the train, he ran up to me. 7. As he told this story, we became more and more interested. 8. I understood her idea only after I talked to her.
9. I advise you to think before you make a decision. 10. You will never learn how to write articles until you try to write something yourself.