НУЖНА За 2 минуты запиши как можно больше прилагательных, которые ты знаешь
2. Вспомни, что такое антонимы и посмотри есть ли среди записанных прилагательных пара антонимов?
Go to p.96 Ex.1 in your Student’s Book
Write pairs of antonyms from Ex 1(запиши пары антонимов)
P.96 Ex. 2 Complete the sentences about Petropavlovsk
1. The streets are
2. The buildings are really
3. The people are really
4.The houses are
5.The city centre is
Project work
Think about the perfect place to live, find pictures and describe it using adjectives
Представь свое идеальное место проживания и опиши его, используя прилагательные
Criteria of assessment
a) Creativity (творческий подход)
b) Usingoflearntadjectives (использование новых прилагательных)
c) Spelling (орфография)
2. Let’s exchange the results with our colleagues.
3. I sometimes find it boring to spend time with my peers.
4. We need to be tolerant to him. He is very tired.
5. Communication is instant nowadays.
6. A lot of animal species disappear nowadays.
7. I think I should participate in this meeting.
1. They made available the secret information on their space programme.
2. A new corporation was established yesterday.
3. This means of transportation is inefficient.
4. Have you got any local currency on you?
Learning English is very interesting and exciting. Four hundred million people speak English, as it is their mother tongue, six hundred million people learn English as foreign one. English is the official language in many countries around the world. English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sports and music.
English is very popular, it is studied in many schools and universities. Now many people study English. So why do they do it? Someone wants to work or study abroad, someone who likes to travel and wants to travel around the entire planet and teaches English as an international language, while others simply enjoy the new knowledge.
So why do I need English? English language is an international language in which you communicate over the world. Therefore, we must learn it, if you want to go abroad to study, find new friends, communicate freely abroad, study the culture of any country, customs, traditions and literature. English may be useful in many professions, such as a manager, a programmer, a businessman, an advertiser, and so on. Studying in England is very promising and now to know English is very profitable. English knowledge is a sign of a good education and intelligence.