II 1. The house was built many years ago, not as comfortable as the modern one. Modulov that he may be interested in this book, I advised him to read it. Mostakov twice, they decided that no one is home. 4.not feeling guilty (guilty), he refused to apologize. 5.some brand collected them, very interesting. Buduci experienced doctor, he immediately realized what had happened. Hanshin, I opened the door, looked very cute. 8. it showed me a list of goods exported by this company. On lay on the couch and reading a book. Buy that she said it jokingly, I laughed.
III 1. After working all day in the sun, I felt very tired. 2. Having arrived to the hotel, he found a telegram waiting for him here. 3. They stood and talked loudly. 4. Late in the negotiations, they left before the end of the evening. 5. Essay writing for the children of today are very different from those that wrote the children of the 20-ies. 6. She showed me the letter, written in 1941. 7. I bought a book that contains information about the education system in the US. 8. Heard footsteps, he raised his head. 9. My grandmother, who told me this story, lives in the city. 10. Having bought the ticket, he hurried on to the platform.
совершенно невыгодные именно для себя условия дуэли, при которых даже пустяковая рана должна обернуться смертью?
6. Как автор подчёркивает большое волнение Печорина, несмотря на внешнее спокойствие?
7. Печорин пристально наблюдает за Грушницким? Какие его переживания он отмечает с удовольствием, а какие его разочаровывают?
8. Каких действий ждёт от Грушницкого Печорин? В какие условия ставит Грушницкого для этого Печорин?
9. Какие чувства испытывает Печорин к Грушницкому перед своим выстрелом? Как герой пытается повлиять на Грушницкого?
10. Как перед своим выстрелом Печорин вновь пытается примириться с Грушницким? После каких его слов герой стреляет
Modulov that he may be interested in this book, I advised him to read it.
Mostakov twice, they decided that no one is home.
4.not feeling guilty (guilty), he refused to apologize.
5.some brand collected them, very interesting.
Buduci experienced doctor, he immediately realized what had happened.
Hanshin, I opened the door, looked very cute.
8. it showed me a list of goods exported by this company.
On lay on the couch and reading a book.
Buy that she said it jokingly, I laughed.
III 1. After working all day in the sun, I felt very tired.
2. Having arrived to the hotel, he found a telegram waiting for him here.
3. They stood and talked loudly.
4. Late in the negotiations, they left before the end of the evening.
5. Essay writing for the children of today are very different from those that wrote the children of the 20-ies.
6. She showed me the letter, written in 1941.
7. I bought a book that contains information about the education system in the US.
8. Heard footsteps, he raised his head.
9. My grandmother, who told me this story, lives in the city.
10. Having bought the ticket, he hurried on to the platform.