Нужно написать эссе 150-200 слов,на тему "Как я провожу время в режиме самоизоляции". Если что занимаюсь спортом в домашних условиях,смотрю кино,читаю книги
Хау а ю? Ай Хэллоуин а грит викенд . Ай воет ту зе Синема он Сетадей найт виз май френдс . Ви сов Хари Потер анд зе Халф-Блад Принс,э фантеси филм старинг Дэниэл Редклиф ,Руперт Гринь анд Эмма Уотсон.
1. Is there anything to the right of you? There is a refrigirator to the right of me 2. Is there anything to the left of you? There is a window to the left of me 3. Do you have any English books at home? I have many English books at home 4. Will you go anywhere tomorrow evening? I'll go somewhere tomorrow evening 5. Can you see anything through the window? I can see my garden through the window 6. Will you bring any English newspaper tomorrow? I won't bring any English newspaper tomorrow 7. Do you know any French words? I don't know any French words 8. Is there any picture in your room? There is one picture in your room 9. Are you expecting anybody to come to your place? I am expecting my friend to come to your place 10. Did anybody advise you to enter this Institute? My parents advised me to enter this Institute 11. Is there anything in the right coner of the room? There is nohing in the right coner of the room 12. Is there anybody behind you? There is nobody behind me
Хау а ю? Ай Хэллоуин а грит викенд . Ай воет ту зе Синема он Сетадей найт виз май френдс . Ви сов Хари Потер анд зе Халф-Блад Принс,э фантеси филм старинг Дэниэл Редклиф ,Руперт Гринь анд Эмма Уотсон.
Зе сыксз Фили оф зе Хари Потер сэриз ис эбаут Хари Потер дэттинг рэади ту фэйс Волдэморт. Дамблмор тэйкс Хари ис э витнесс ту зе батл битвин гуд энд этил.
Ай фаунд зе филм экситин ,энд зе актин вос вандерфул. Ай сзинк итс э маст-си фо эвриван.
Хау эбаут я? Жил ю гоу ту зе сисайд ласт викенд?
2. Is there anything to the left of you? There is a window to the left of me
3. Do you have any English books at home? I have many English books at home
4. Will you go anywhere tomorrow evening? I'll go somewhere tomorrow evening
5. Can you see anything through the window? I can see my garden through the window
6. Will you bring any English newspaper tomorrow? I won't bring any English newspaper tomorrow
7. Do you know any French words? I don't know any French words
8. Is there any picture in your room? There is one picture in your room
9. Are you expecting anybody to come to your place? I am expecting my friend to come to your place
10. Did anybody advise you to enter this Institute? My parents advised me to enter this Institute
11. Is there anything in the right coner of the room? There is nohing in the right coner of the room
12. Is there anybody behind you? There is nobody behind me