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Russia is a huge multinational country. Different languages are spoken here: firstly, because there are many different peoples, and secondly, because they actively study foreign languages.
1. Russian
Russian is the first official language of our country. In 2010, this language was spoken by 137.5 million people.
2. English
It is quite natural that the second place was taken by English – the most widely spoken language in the world. It is owned by more than 7 million people living in Russia.
3. Tatar
According to the population census, more than 4 million people speak Tatar in Russia. This figure corresponds to the number of people living in Tatarstan, Bashkiria and other regions of the country.
4. German
German is spoken in Russia twice as much as Tatar. Interestingly, people who speak this language include not only those who have studied it, but also native speakers. There is a historical explanation for this: both the wars of the pre-Petrine era, and the large number of Germans in the civil service in Imperial times.
5. Chechen
Of all respondents, 1.3 million Russians admitted that they speak the Chechen language. By the way, about the same number of people live in the Chechen Republic.
2.The best tulips are grown in the Netherlands.
3. The Lada cars are produced in Tolyatti.
4. Warm winter sweaters are usually made of wool.
5. A.S Pushkin was born in 1799.
6. what pets are generally kept in cages?
Каких домашних животных обычно(как правило) держат в клетках?
6. Hamsters are generally kept in cages.
Хомяков обычно держат в клетках.
7. The English and the French languages are spoken in Canada.
8. The battle of Borodino was fought in 1812.
Увы, в нашем мире большинство людей склонны к эгоизму, и это качество зачастую мешает вовремя прийти на выручку, протянуть руку или даже просто выслушать. Известно, что люди часто сторонятся неудачников, подсознательно опасаясь перенять их невезучесть. И если друг велением воли попадает в сплошную полосу сменяющихся неудач, довольно трудно в таком положении найти искреннее понимание и готовность хотя бы советом и дружеским сопереживанием. Лишь истинный друг всегда окажется рядом и, вопреки молве, подаст руку и не предаст остракизму того, кому не повезло в жизни