Нужно ответить на вопросы на языке 1. what was the name of the first capital of england from 827 to 1066? 2. what are the main characters of traditional british puppet show? 3. are public schools in england very exclusive and expensive? 4. what name – a morphological blend – is used for both oxford and cambridge universities? 5. what was the first english city settled by the danishvikings?
4. morphological blend - это морфологическое смешение слов, тоесть образование нового слова путём соединения начала одного и окончания второго [this a word formed by joining of the beginning of one word and the end of the other word].
Пример: motor + hotel = motel; breakfast + lunch = brunch; California + fornication (прелюбодеяние) = Californication; кибернетический организм: cybernetic + organism = cyborg (киборг) и т.д.