Нужно ответить на вопросы , произношение, а текст . what is the official name of our country? 2. how many republics
are there in the russian federation? 3. who was the first russian
president? 4. what is the highest law of the russian federation?
5. who is the russian president at the moment? who is the prime
minister? 6. when did russia stop being a monarchy ['mpnəki] and
become a republic? 7. what is its capital? what can you say about
it? 8. can you name some other major cities of russia?
9. russia is the largest country in the world, isn't it? 10. where are
the altai and the caucasus mountains situated? what other russian
mountain chains do you know? 11. where are the rivers lena and ob
situated? what other russian rivers do you know? 12. what are the
names of the seas around our coasts? 13. what do you know about
lake baikal? 14. what do you think are the most important events
in the history of russia? 15. can you name any famous people of
russia? who are they? what are they famous for? 16. what symbols
of russia do you know? 17. what do you know about the russian
national flag? say why white, blue and red have always been symbolic
colours in russia and what they symbolize.
Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle has become a modern trend because people have realized the damage they cause by their love for unhealthy foods and habits to their health and health of their children. Moreover, current tendencies demand people become stronger and have fitter look so to become more attractive. Interestingly, recent researchers have discovered that people with fit stature are more likely to get a well-paid job and build a successful career than the ones who are obese or overweight.
Even though a healthy lifestyle demands a person to be disciplined, fit, and responsible, keeping it will help you achieve better results in many senses.
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