Нужно перевести на ,! дом между скалами. это необчный большой дом.он находится во франции на небольшом островке. он зажат с двух сторон скалами. они защищают его от ветра и штормов . построен этот дом в 1861 году. он стал главной достопримечательностью коммуны плугрескан. его посещают много людей. они в нем фотографируются.
This is an unaccompanied large house. It is located in France on a small island. It is clamped on two sides by rocks. They protect it from wind and storms. This house was built in 1861. It became the main attraction of the commune of Plugreskan. He is visited by many people. They are photographed in it.
House between the rocks.
This is an unaccompanied large house. It is located in France on a small island. It is clamped on two sides by rocks. They protect it from wind and storms. This house was built in 1861. It became the main attraction of the commune of Plugreskan. He is visited by many people. They are photographed in it.