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chin fault wheelchair hamster swing stitches trampoline slightly cage
So, my twin sister, when she was two years old, was sitting on a ___ with my older brother, who was only a ___ bigger child at the time, and he was trying to get the swing going and fell off on top of my sister. Her top teeth dug into her chin when she fell and had to get stitches, and now she is forever cursed with a faint line on her ___. Fast forward a couple of years, and she was on the ___ with me, my brother, and some other friends, and we were just going at it, and Faith said, "Guys you're bouncing me too high! I'm gonna — *crack* ... She was in a ___ the next couple of months and became the most popular girl in school overnight ... until she was all better. But all those injuries are kind of understandable. Mine, however, wasn't. So I had a ___ once, and one day I was cleaning its glass ___ outside and I had it flipped upside down and I thought, "I wonder if I can stand on that?" *glass breaks* *screaming* There was blood everywhere. The hamster had to live in an old cage and it was all my ___. But hey, I didn't need ___, and I have a scar on my foot forever.
Я хочу рассказать вам про моего кота. Его зовут Вася. Ему 2 года. Он пушистый, черный с белыми пятнами. У него ярко зелёные глаза и очень длинные усы. Он очень красивый кот. Вася имеет характер тигра. Он упрямый, гордый и хитрый кот. Его любимые занятия спать, есть, играть и смотреть в окно. Я люблю лежать с Васей на диване и слушать как он мурлыкает. Он любит, когда я его глажу
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