Нужно составить предложения со словами по образцу.
• Aching limbs /ˈeɪkɪŋ lɪmz/ — ломота в конечностях Пример: I had a sore throat and aching limbs / У меня была боль в горле и ломота в конечностях • Chills /tʃɪlz/ / Shivers /ˈʃɪvə(r)z/ — озноб Пример: He has the shivers, so I've sent him to bed / У него озноб и поэтому я отправила его в кровать • Cough /kɒf/ — кашель Пример: She has a very bad cough / У нее очень серьезный кашель • Fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ — чувство усталости Пример: His eyes felt heavy with fatigue / Глаза его буквально закрывались от чувства усталости • Fever /ˈfiːvə(r)/ — жар, высокая температура Пример: She was in bed with a fever / Она лежала в кровати с высокой температурой • Headache /ˈhedeɪk/ — головная боль Пример: He had a terrible headache / У него была ужасная головная боль • Nausea /ˈnɔːziə/ — тошнота Пример: Signs of the illness include fever and nausea / Симптомы болезни включают высокую температуру и тошноту • Runny nose /ˈrʌni nəʊz/ — насморк Пример: I've got a runny nose / У меня насморк • Sneezing /sniːz/ — чиханье Пример: She gave a violent sneeze / Она жутко расчихалась • Sore throat /sɔː(r) θrəʊt/ — больное горло, воспаленное горло Пример: He had a sore throat and runny nose all day yesterday / У него вчера весь день болело горло и текло из носа
1) My winter holidays were great!
2) I visited a lot of places!
3) For example, my parents and I went to Switzerland!
4) We walked around the city we visited!
5) And after that great time, we returned home
6) Unfortunately, we didn't buy souvenirs, because there were no souvenir shops
7) There were a mountains, but I didn't skiing
8) And when we returned home, I did not have enough time for rest
9) I have to do my homework, because I didn't do it before
10) I didn't want to go to school.. I want to see again theese places and all trees were in white
Many teach few items that would be somewhere to arrive.
Many go where the parents want.
Many end up something which would then make money, but it's not right! The main thing is to do what I love. Because I can be successful, famous and healthy working like. Unfortunately for them it's hard to understand. Often she is interested in marks at school, but almost never what I want to do. In any case, I know too much to just score the deal of his life. In any case, I'll do whatever you want and be successful, here is a look!