НУЖНО УКАЗАТЬ ИМЕННО ВИД ТРАНСФОРМАЦИИ! ПЕРЕВОД НЕ НУЖНО 5). Укажите вид лексической трансформации и дайте Ваш вариант перевода Pency, Juan, Charles Jencks, Mr Hawkes, Charles I, Jose, Ming, MacDonald’s, Liang, Jean-Francois Lyotard - Жан-Франсуа Лиотар, Peking/Beijing, , George V, Ihab Hassan –Ихаб Хасан, Charles Dickens.
6). Определите вид лексической трансформации (транскрибирование, транслитерация)
Bite, Jose, Liang, screen, Michigan, frame, Ihab Hassan, menu, Texas, site, contrabandist, Cliff Griffits, lady, Illinois, speaker, constructivism, know-how, Kentucky, impeachment, chip, Bank of London, provider, script, Bataille – Батай, club.
We spent a couple of hours resting and exploting the ruins.
She decided to create a new sculpture the next week.
Every creature in the world has the right to live.
It's disgusting to judge by appearances.
Did dragons ever exist?
вот следующее слово...
если это gain, то This party has made spectacular gains in local elections.
а если giant, то I think that Pushkin is a giant among poets.
I can not watch horrifying scenec in horror movies.
She gave me a mysterious look, whaen I was near.
опять же,вроде слово mythical. Alexander the Great was a mythical ruler.
Coal is the remains of an ancient vegetation.
Twins are similar one to another as two peas.
3is developing -present continious active voice
4provides,-present simple,acvtve voice
5was set up -past simple,passive voice
b)1are called -present simle,passive voice
2is used prsent simle,passive voice
3provide -past simle,active v,
are paid-prsesnt simple,passive
4is reffered present simple,pasive v
5is based upon-present simle,passive v
6was divided past simple,passive v
7hasnt been thought-present perfect ,passivev
8wiil be exported future simple passivevoce
9must be altereed modal verb passive voice
8is reorganized present simple pasivevoice