1)Hacker is a person, a new generation, one might even say, a new branch of the evolutionary development of man
2)Hackers are bad and good. Bad hackers are usually involved in petty hooliganism, and for good hacker hacker craft - first of all, the style of life.
3)Hackers called, for example, Linus Torvalds, Richard lately, Larry wall, Donald Knuth, Bjorn Eric Raymond and the other founders of open systems world level. In Russia a striking example of a hacker is Chris Kasperski.
4)a Hacker(literally) - someone who makes furniture with an axe
The rights and duties of citizens the rights and freedoms of the individual guarantees the basic law — the Constitution of the Russian Federation. There is a civil (personal), political, economic, social and cultural human rights. Civil (personal) rights are fundamental. Without them it is impossible the full development of the individual in society. These include the right to life, liberty and security of person, honor and dignity. Political rights, the participation of citizens in political life of the country, namely: freedom of expression, the opportunity to elect and be elected to the authorities, participate in referendums, in the form of political parties and movements, etc. Socio-economic rights is to ensure a decent standard of living and to guarantee the right to property, work, education and medical care, housing etc access to cultural values, freedom of artistic expression guaranteed cultural rights
1)Hacker is a person, a new generation, one might even say, a new branch of the evolutionary development of man
2)Hackers are bad and good. Bad hackers are usually involved in petty hooliganism, and for good hacker hacker craft - first of all, the style of life.
3)Hackers called, for example, Linus Torvalds, Richard lately, Larry wall, Donald Knuth, Bjorn Eric Raymond and the other founders of open systems world level. In Russia a striking example of a hacker is Chris Kasperski.
4)a Hacker(literally) - someone who makes furniture with an axe