1. What are you looking at? –Some photos I took when I was on holidays. 2. I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean. 3. What does Jane do? – She is a teacher, but she is not teaching at the moment. 4. He never smokes and doesn't usually eat meat. 5. Last time I went abroad was when I was going to London. We stayed in London for three days. On the first day when I was doing the sights, I met my old friend. He was just going to his hotel when we came across. 6. Do you often go to the gym? – I don't go much at the moment, I do not have time. I am too busy these days. But I want to go to the gym next week. 7. Tomorrow Kate is visiting her aunt, that’s why now she is making a cake. It smells delicious! When Kate was visiting her aunt last week, she bought some pastries from the baker’s, but they were not that good.
Чилорен в викторианском времени.виктория была королевой с 1837 по 1901 год. в ранние викторианские времена бедные дети работали с пяти лет, чтобы прокормить себя и свои семьи. эти были нелегкими и часто опасными.многие дети работали трубочистами, потому что они были маленькие и тонкие. они забрались вверх по узким , чтобы очистить их. беспризорных детей или детей-сирот, как правило, это йод.много детей также работали на хлопковых заводах. когда хлопчатобумажные нити сломались, дети зашли в машины, чтобы починить их. это было опасно.другие дети работали на угольных шахтах. они толкали грузовики угля, из них открывали и закрывали двери, чтобы пропускать воздух через туннели.мастера часто были жестокими. дети работали долгие часы за низкую зарплату. у многих детей были проблемы со здоровьем и несчастные случаи.лорд шафтсбери остановить взрослых от использования маленьких детей на работе. он основал бесплатные школы для бедных детей. к концу викторианской эпохи все дети пошли в школу до 10 лет.
2. I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean.
3. What does Jane do? – She is a teacher, but she is not teaching at the moment.
4. He never smokes and doesn't usually eat meat.
5. Last time I went abroad was when I was going to London. We stayed in London
for three days. On the first day when I was doing the sights, I met my old friend. He was just going to his hotel when we came across.
6. Do you often go to the gym? – I don't go much at the moment, I do not have time. I am too busy these days. But I want to go to the gym next week.
7. Tomorrow Kate is visiting her aunt, that’s why now she is making a cake. It smells delicious! When Kate was visiting her aunt last week, she bought some pastries from the baker’s, but they were not that good.