Нужно задать 6 вопросов разного типа , по этому тексту !
the first day at school dill left us carly in september, & i had to start school in a week. i never waited more for anything in my life. jem took me to school the first day. miss caroline fisher, our teacher, was no more than twenty-one. she began the day by reading us a story about cats. the cats had long conversations with one another, they lived in a warm house under a kitchen floor. miss caroline came to the end of the story & said "wasn't that nice? "" then she went to the blackboard, wrote the alphabet in big letters, turned to the class & asked: "does anybody know what these are? " everybody did, but she chose me. i read the alphabet & she made me read most of my "first reader". "everybody who brings his lunch put it on the desk." miss caroline walked up to walter cunningham's desk. "where is your lunch? " she asked.. "did you forget it this morning? " saying that miss caroline went to her desk. "here is some money," she said to walter. "go & eat in town today. you can pay me back tomorrow". walter shook his head again. i wanted to help him. "miss caroline, he's one of cunninghams,"" i said. "what, jean louise? " we all understood it. he didn't forget his lunch, he just didn't have any. he had none today nor would he have any tomorrow or the next day. "you will get to know all the country-folks after a while. the cunninghams never take anything they can't pay back. they live on what they have. they don't have much, but they live on it. walter hasn't got money to bring you." "jean louise, i've had enough of you this morning", said miss caroline. "you're starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear," & she told me to stand in the corner. i didn't stand long there for the bell rang & miss caroline watched the class go for lunch. as i was the last to leave, i saw her fall into her chair & put her head in her hands.
Много раз замечала дурную привычку девушек, трогать
цепочку на шее или колечко на руке. Вы, скорее всего тоже замечали это или сами иногда не знаете, куда деть свои руки. Запомните, не следует этого делать в присутствии другого человека.
А иногда, бывает и такое. Пришли в гости и по привычки выходите курить через каждые 10 — 15 минут. Постарайтесь не курить при разговоре, ну а если вам очень хочется, уточните у собеседника, не будет ли он против, если вы закурите.
Конечно, многие из нас знакомы с элементарными правилами поведения в обществе. Но далеко не каждый умеет ими пользоваться — то ли от нежелания, то ли от неумения верно оценить ситуацию, то ли просто из-за собственного эгоизма. Ведь главное в искусстве общения с людьми — это внимание к ним, а многие из нас в первую очередь думают о самих себе. А потом обижаются и недоумевают, почему окружающие не хотят с ними общаться
Существует мнение, что вежливость — это только внешнее, показное. «Нет добра в твоей душе — обрети хотя бы добрый вид», — гласит индийская пословица. Но я не могу согласиться с этим. Мне кажется, что хорошим манерам невозможно обучить злого, эгоистичного, грубого, тщеславного, высокомерного, завистливого человека. Все эти недостатки обязательно проявят себя, а фальшивая, изощренная любезность, не идущая от самого сердца только оттолкнуть от такого человека окружающих. Ведь хорошие манеры призваны украшать, подчеркивать наши достоинства, а не прикрывать маской пристойности наши недостатки.
2.Colonel Smith asked if I had ever heard Jane singing and added that she had a wonderful voice.
3.Nigel asked if Michael had arrived yet or should they start without him .
4.He asked what the time was because his watch had stopped.
5.Stella asked when he would be back and should they start dinner without him or if he wanted them to wait for him .
6.Nanny asked where he had put her glasses because she couldn't find them .
7.Nenny asked how he had found her because she had left her address to anyone when she had been leaving.