Бывают же вредные привычки? Я их ненавижу. Пытаешься перестать делать какое - то плохое дело, но ты забываешь, значит, у тебя привычка! Идёшь мимо, а на столе компьютер. Садишься за него, играешь в игры которые портят тебе зрение. Только когда наигрался вдоволь, встаёшь из - за стола, а только потом вспоминаешь, что не смог сдержать обещание. Это плохо! На английском: There are also bad habits? I hate them. Trying to stop doing some bad thing, but you forget, then you have a habit! Walk past, and on the table computer. Sit him, play games that spoil your vision. Only when you played enough enough, get up from the table, and only then remember that I couldn't keep my promise. It's bad!
1. He is certain to come to the conference (несомненно)
2. You appear to know this city better than we (по-видимому)
3. Their plans are likely to change in the future (вероятно)
4. They are sure to agree with you (определённо).
5. She is unlikely to give you this book (вряд ли).
6. Do you happen to know him? ( случайно).
7. He turned out to be right (оказался)
8. He is said to be a good researcher (говорят)
9. He is known to have done this experiment (известно) .
10. They are supposed to be well-informed citizens (полагают).
На английском:
There are also bad habits? I hate them. Trying to stop doing some bad thing, but you forget, then you have a habit! Walk past, and on the table computer. Sit him, play games that spoil your vision. Only when you played enough enough, get up from the table, and only then remember that I couldn't keep my promise. It's bad!