Объедините предложения так, чтобы получились связные высказывания. 1) Courts are divided into
2) The Constitutional Court is
3) The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is
4) The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has jurisdiction
5) Regulations enacted by the Plenary Session
6) Militarycourtsconsider
7) The system of general jurisdiction courts at regional level includes
8) There is a four-tiered system of arbitration courts:
9) The Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation operates
a) are “explanations on issues of judicial practice”.
b) the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, ten Federal District Arbitration Courts, Appellate Courts, the Arbitration Courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
c) the supreme judicial body of four-tiered system of courts of general jurisdiction.
d) disputes involving military personnel.
e) as the supreme body in the arbitration court system.
f) as a court of cassation in the land and as a court of supervisory instance over the courts of lower level.
g) the highest judicial body in the Russian Federation.
h) federal courts and courts subjects of Russia.
i) justices of the peace, district courts, the supreme courts of the republics, city courts of Moscow and St. Petersburg, courts of autonomous districts, military courts.
2. This simple rule is followed (pres simp passive) by the majority of authors.
3. Two answers have been given (pres perf passive) to this question, neither of them satisfactory.
4. When I graduated (past simp active) with a Bachelor's degree in PR from California state I had (past simp active) a new diploma, a smile on my face and no idea of my plans for future.
5. Do you judge (pres simp active) about people by their looks or behavior?
1. Он был одним из счастливчиков - он был нанят первой же организацией, в которой проходил собеседование.
2. Этому простому правилу следует большинство авторов.
3. На этот вопрос были даны два ответа, ни один из них не был удовлетворительным.
4. Когда я закончил учёбу в Калифорнии и получил диплом бакалавра в области свя́зей с обще́ственностью, у меня был свежий диплом, улыбка на лице и никаких планов на будущее.
5. Вы судите о людях по внешности или по их поступкам?