. Образуйте временную форму. 1. Due to the competition the number of small farms (to decrease).
2. After Britain’s accessible and valuable deposits (to work out).
3. Later textile industry (to control) by the government as unprofitable.
4. In the past the absence of resources (to make) the British economy greatly dependent on imported raw materials.
1. 1) countable nouns
2) uncoutable nouns
2. Countable nouns: apple - яблоко, banana - банан, cherries - вишни, lemon - лимон, tomatoes - помидоры, strawberries - клубника, cakes - торты, pineapple - ананас, sausages - сосиски, egg - яйцо, burger - бургер, onions - лук.
Uncountable nouns: cheese - сыр, sugar - сахар, salt - соль, rice - рис, butter - масло, ice cream - мороженое, jam - варенье, olive oil - оливковое масло, meat - мясо, milk - молоко, bread - хлеб, juice - сок.
3. 1) rice, 2) water, 3) biscuits, 4) olive oil.
4. 1) утвердительных, 2) вопросительных и отрицательных.
5. 1) some (утвердительное),
2) any (отрицательное),
3) any (вопросительное),
4) some (утвердительное),
5) any (вопросительное),
6) any (отрицательное).
6. any, some, some, any, any, some, any, any, some, any, some.
7. much - с неисчисляемыми, в вопросительных и отрицательных;
many - с исчисляемыми, в вопросительных и отрицательных;
8. 1) many (исчисл., вопросительное),
2) a lot of (исчисл., утвердительное),
3) many (исчисл., отрицательное),
4) much (неисчисл., вопросительное),
5) much (неисчисл., отрицательное),
6) a lot of (неисчисл., утвердительное).
9. many, much, much, many, many, much, many.
Among all of the religious holidays, Christmas and Easter are the most beloved. Another important date is December 6, when St. Nicholas brings small gifts to the young children who have polished their shoes and placed them in front of a window in their home. Christmas carols, traditional foods and decorated trees are part of the Christmas traditions.
Regarding the spring customs, the PLOWMAN is a celebration of the man who first plows the fields in the spring.
The first day of March is the celebration of MARTISOR (mar-tsi-shor), a day when gifts of small objects--plants, shells, flowers, animals, snowmen or tools--as well as a red and white ribbon symbolizing life and purity--are given to young girls and women.
The Sunday before Easter Sunday is called FLOWERS' SUNDAY. On that day, a special celebration takes place for all who have names associated with flowers. Fish may be eaten that day.
As the year moved into autumn, September 14 brought the celebration of the RISE OF THE HOLY CROSS.
The harvest is celebrated by each family, as well as by the entire community. DRAGAICA is an interesting custom centered around a beauty contest. The most beautiful girl would become covered with fruit from the land.
For all Moldovan celebrations, song is an essential and very appreciated component of the ceremonial activities. Love songs, lullabies and party songs are also present in the Moldovan folklore.