Now, I've regarded them, rather selfishly, perhaps, as my particular preserve, but this morning I'm sending you on a job I'd usually keep for myself.
I dislike Chris because he is very rude and insensitive.
I know you just want to be helpful, but, well, it's all such a mess.
He's rude, arrogant and ignorant.
Truth is I've been becoming rather forgetful.
They devote their lives to caring for the sick. I found him to be a sensitive and caring person. The school aims to provide a caring environment. He took over the responsibility of caring for the animals.
The report said he was quite talkative. Судя по рапорту, он был разговорчив. You're not very talkative tonight, man.
He was silly enough to believe her.
But I will make an addendum to that that says you are just easily annoyed in general.
Now, I've regarded them, rather selfishly, perhaps, as my particular preserve, but this morning I'm sending you on a job I'd usually keep for myself.
I dislike Chris because he is very rude and insensitive.
I know you just want to be helpful, but, well, it's all such a mess.
He's rude, arrogant and ignorant.
Truth is I've been becoming rather forgetful.
They devote their lives to caring for the sick. I found him to be a sensitive and caring person. The school aims to provide a caring environment. He took over the responsibility of caring for the animals.
The report said he was quite talkative. Судя по рапорту, он был разговорчив. You're not very talkative tonight, man.
He was silly enough to believe her.
But I will make an addendum to that that says you are just easily annoyed in general.
Nosy and all in my business!
Меня зовут Николь и я живу в Уотерфорде
Республика Ирландия. Я люблю Уотерфорд -
красивый город. Это на реке и тоже всего в десяти километрахиз моря. Летом 1 к
пляж с друзьями каждые выходные.
Каждую субботу. В Уотерфорде есть рынок в центре город. Вы можете купить там еду. Я часто хожу на рынок и посмотри вокруг, но я
обычно покупаютмного. Группа амишей живет в общине недалеко от Уотерфорд. Oни
хлеб, варенье и прочеевиды продуктов питания и продавать их на рынке. Они выглядят иначе
волосы и одежда очень старомодны
- но когда ты с ними разговариваешь, действительно дружелюбный. Вы не можете говорить с ними о телепрограммах или
компьютерные игры, конечно, потому что они не смотрят телевизор или компьютеры!