ОЧЕНЬ НАДО , ЗАРАНЕЕ Вставь в предложения соответствующие возвратные местоимения там, где это возможно.
1. Ben and Jerry always clean their rooms .
2. How is Mary today? — She says she feels much better.
3. We really enjoyed at yesterday’s concert, I’m sorry you didn’t see it.
4. He lived in a small house all by .
5. Children, please, behave , I’ll be back in five minutes.
6. The boy hid behind the armchair in hope that we won’t find him.
2. Dishwasher is very useful invention.
3. Where does this road go?
4. Where was the first time produced a nuclear weapon - in the Europe or in the USA?
5. Sue decided to improve her marks in literature.
6. Diana has eventful life. (Diana leads...)
7. Sergey - an engineer. He has many practical and technical skills.
8. I don't know anything about this culture. The one thing I know, is that they try to grow it on the north.
9. Useless to grow flowers on that ground. It is very bad.
10. The trade helps to improve contacts between countries.