Очень нужна Основываясь на информации, полученной из текста, выразите свое согласие или несогласие с нижеприведенными утверждениями. Свое согласие выразите, начиная словами "That's right, according to the text...", несогласие – словами "That's wrong, according to the text...".
1. Faraday wanted to produce electricity by electromagnetism. 2. A model of an electromagnetic apparatus he used to carry about him consisted of a horseshoe magnet and a straight bar with some turns of iron wound round it. 3. Michael Faraday made his first successful experiment together with Oersted. 4. Faraday worked neither with a straight bar, nor with a hor-seshoe magnet but with a ring. 5. Faraday wound long coils of fine copper wire on opposite sides of the ring. The turns were separated for insulation purposes. One coil was connected to a galvanometer and the other to a battery. 6. The needle on the galvanometer deflected only when the magnetic field in the iron ring was switching on or switching off. 7. Faraday failed to produce electricity through magnetism.
I live in a three-room flat on the fourth floor of a nine-story block of flats.
I live together with my parents and a younger sister.
There are two bed rooms and a living room there in my flat. Naturally, there is also a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. There is a corridor from which we can get into any of the rooms or the kitchen. The flat doesn’t have a balcony, which is a pity really.
Our kitchen is quite modern and reasonably well-equipped. There is a kitchen table, four chairs, a fridge, an electric stove and a cupboard with various pots, pans and the dishes.
My parents’s bed room is relatively small but quite cosy. There isn’t much furniture in it; there are only a double bed and a wardrobe.
I share a room with my sister because we are quite close and it’s better that way. There are two beds and a large desk with a desk-top computer. We do our homework sitting at this desk and we can do it at the same time because the desk is so large.
I am quite content with my living conditions; however, I would still prefer to live in my own house in the future.