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Task 1. Complete the text with the appropriate word.

You have to think of the words by yourself.

What is the best advice for a new husband? Well, let me 0_see__. Never forget anniversaries and birthdays. Your wife will never forgive you. I remembered our fifth wedding anniversary 1 the day before! I also remembered she wanted to go to a jazz concert. I’m not 2 on jazz but another piece of advice I’d give you is, on anniversaries, give your wife what she wants! This 3 that I had to find tickets quickly. Unfortunately, there were no tickets 4 I had to go to the concert hall five hours before the concert and buy tickets at the door. There was a man there but he didn’t 5 very honest. However, did I have a choice? I thought the price was a 6 high, but anything to make my wife happy. After the concert she said I was the best husband in the world. I think it was worth it, 7 you?

Task 3. Complete the sentences using the words for containers and materials. You will not need all the words.

aluminium carton jar paper packet tube cardboard box metal can pot plastic

Example: 0 Aluminium_ is a type of metal.

1 Can I have a of toothpaste, please?

2 I want a of coke, not a bottle.

3 Put all the papers in that and I’ll take it outside as rubbish.

4 She keeps insects in a glass .

5 Bags used to be made of . Now they are made of .

6 I’d like a of milk please.

7 Could I have a of rice, please.

8 Cans are usually made of .


Task 1. Make second conditional sentences using the prompts.

Example: I want some help / tell you.

If I wanted some help, I would tell you.

1 What / you do / you fail the test?

2 It is sunny / we go to the beach.

3 They win the election / can pass the law.

4 She buys a ticket / may win £50,000.

5 The bus arrives on time / we not be late for class.

6 We have better players / can win the match.

7 What / happen / the experiment fails?

8 We increase exports / may make a profit.

9 I am richer / can buy my own car.

10 It is fantastic / Peter comes.

11 Emre asks you / can you give him some advice?

12 The company agrees / may promote him.

Task 2. Add too or enough to the sentences.

Example: She’s got _too many children to look after.

1 There aren’t ingredients in the fridge to cook anything nice.

2 Do you have time to finish the report?

3 I don’t like her. She’s selfish.

4 I didn’t drink water before the race.

5 There is much work to do.

6 Have you found people to come?

7 Do you think he is professional for this job?

8 I’m tired to go out tonight.

Task 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form (present continuous, past simple passive, present perfect continuous or second conditional) of the verbs.

Example: On Friday night I am having (have) a meeting with Arnulph Finderson, owner of Finders Electronics. Then, on Monday I 1 (start) work as Assistant Manager of one of the shops. The first Finders Electronics Shop 2 (open) in Iceland in 1969. Recently, it 3 (grow) quite quickly and you can find Finders Electronics shops in most countries. If Mr Finderson was English, French or German, it 4 (be) easier for his company to grow but Arnulph is happy with the growth he 5 (see) in the last ten years. Today you can find his shops in every town and city in Europe. It’s a good job for me. If I had a better degree I 6 (wait) and try and find a better job but the results I 7(give) in my last exams weren’t very good. I am lucky that I 8 (not work) with my brothers at the factory on Monday morning.

Task 4. Correct the question tags.

Example: It’s next week, aren’t it? _isn’t it?___

1 It hasn’t happened yet, can it?

2 Diseases get stronger in hot weather, haven’t they?

3 They’re waiting in the next room, couldn’t they?

4 You could speak to the manager, can’t you?

5 Germany has the largest population in Europe, isn’t it?

6 If you eat carrots you can see in the dark, don’t you?

7 He walks to work, isn’t he?

8 The result couldn’t be right, is it?

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03.10.2022 16:38

Present simple. Утвердительне предложения:

1. I like this game.

2. He looks so bored.

3. He works with my dad.

4. I know her.

5. He lives here.

Present simple. Вопросительные предложения:

1. Do you like this game?

2. Does she like this game?

3. Do you work here?

4. Do i play tennis on Mondays?

5. Does he go to school on Sundays?

Present simple. Отрицательные предложения

1. She does not know you

2. I do not want to play with you

3. She does not feel

4. You do not know her

5. He does not like you

Present continuous. Утвердительные предложения

1. I am reading an interesting book now.

2. She is looking for a job.

3. We are trying to find a new flat to let.

4. I am working here

5. We are studying

Present continuous. Вопросительне предложения

1. Are you watching TV?

2. Is she drinking a water?

3. Am i sitting?

4. Is he walking?

5. Are you playing football?

Present continuous. Отрицательные предложения

1. I am not writing a letter

2. Noah is not reading a book

3. You and me are not eating at the moment

4. I am not talking with you

5. You are not talking with her

0,0(0 оценок)
15.02.2023 19:24

1. Ничего не надо, как по-моему

a) for b) beyond c) until d) through

The house is_ the bridge.

потому что:

1. Дом-это мост. а) для б) за пределами в) до г) Через

И тут ничего не подходит, хотя какой дом - это мост?! Предложение странное)

2.b) behind

Johny is_ other boys og his age.

3. c) at

The temperature is two degrees_ zero.

4. a) in

There is always a group of idle students standing_ street corners.

5. a) of

The sun rose_ the horizon.

6. a) at

Bess will have her examination_ 7 May.

7. a) against

They decided to vote_ the proposal.

8. a) to

He heard that someone was approaching_ him.

9. a) in

It's dangerous to play football_ the street.

10. c) at

The train arrived_ platform 8.

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