1. She was not invited to the party by them. 2. The window was not left open by me. 3. The light was not turned off by them. 4. Some friends have been invited to tea by me. 5. An English book has been given to me by her. 6. Has the letter been written by you yet? 7. A lot of interesting things have been told to us by them или We've been told a lot of interesting things by them. 8. The test-paper has been written without mistakes by the students. 9. A lot of things have been scattered about by the children. 10. All the books have been put into the bookcase by the girl. 11. The fields will be covered by snow in winter. 12. The homework will be handed in by them tomorrow. 13. I don't think all the preparations shall be be finished by us today. 14. I am always invited to her dinner parties by her. 15. She showed me the dress which had been made by her daughter. 16. The matter was discussed by us some days ago.
мой любимый писатель – александр сергеевич пушкин. я могу перечитывать его работы снова и снова. его сказки, стихи, герои особый мир, в котором все удивляет и захватывает. никто не мог заставить меня полюбить чтение, но прикоснувшись к творчеству пушкина, я осознал всю прелесть книг. мне нравится, что каждое произведение несет в себе глубокий смысл, но, при этом, в конце всегда побеждает добро, и я с улыбкой закрываю книгу. пушкин – это тот писатель, который смог заинтересовать своими работами не только детей, но и взрослых. важно то, что он всегда писал о важных вещах – родина, любовь, природа, народ. я восхищаюсь этим поэтом, так как он одним словом смог донести смысл жизни.
2. The window was not left open by me.
3. The light was not turned off by them.
4. Some friends have been invited to tea by me.
5. An English book has been given to me by her.
6. Has the letter been written by you yet?
7. A lot of interesting things have been told to us by them или We've been told a lot of interesting things by them.
8. The test-paper has been written without mistakes by the students.
9. A lot of things have been scattered about by the children.
10. All the books have been put into the bookcase by the girl.
11. The fields will be covered by snow in winter.
12. The homework will be handed in by them tomorrow.
13. I don't think all the preparations shall be be finished by us today.
14. I am always invited to her dinner parties by her.
15. She showed me the dress which had been made by her daughter.
16. The matter was discussed by us some days ago.