The storyline of the series The Voronins is as following: In Moscow, in a three-room flat "Stalinka", there lives a young family. The members of the family and the main characters of the series are the head of the family Kostya, his wife Vera and their three children, a five-year-old daughter and two two-year-old sons twins. Everything would be well in their lives but for their neighbours the Bones, who live next door to them - on the same landing. Conflicts and problems that the characters are struggling to cope with in the series are vital and very typical of any family. The solution of these problems, of course, develops according to the laws of the sitcom, but these laws have their limits - the story does not turn into a farce.
Сюжетная линия сериала Воронины следующая: В Москве, в трехкомнатной квартире "Сталинке", живет молодая семья. Члены этой семьи и главные действующие лица сериала - Костя, его жена Вера и трое их детей - пятилетняя дочь и два двухлетних сына-близнеца. Всё было бы хорошо в их жизни, если бы не их соседи, которые живут рядом с ними - на одной лестничной площадке. Конфликты и проблемы, с которыми герои пытаются справиться в сериале, жизненно важны и очень типичны для любой семьи. Решение этих проблем, конечно, развивается по законам ситкома, но у этих законов есть свои границы - история не превращается в фарс.
The National Gallery is a world-famous art museum. It is located in London in Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery is situated right behind Nelson’s Column. This majestic domed building with massive columns is easy to notice.The National Gallery houses a vast number of works by famous painters who lived during XIII – beginning of XX centuries. Initially the gallery was located in a different place. Soon the decision about moving it to a separate building was taken.
The entrance to the gallery is free. This gives an opportunity to a lot of people to get to know about the development of different schools of painting, painters and painting techniques in different periods of time.
The National Gallery attracts not only tourists from all over the world but also students and pupils living in London. There are a lot of events which take place in the gallery both free and chargeable. Anyone who is interested can attend weekly guided tours around the gallery. Nowadays there are about 2300 canvasses in the National Gallery. Among them there is The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, Self Portrait at the age of 34 by Rembrandt, Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh and many others.
The storyline of the series The Voronins is as following: In Moscow, in a three-room flat "Stalinka", there lives a young family. The members of the family and the main characters of the series are the head of the family Kostya, his wife Vera and their three children, a five-year-old daughter and two two-year-old sons twins. Everything would be well in their lives but for their neighbours the Bones, who live next door to them - on the same landing. Conflicts and problems that the characters are struggling to cope with in the series are vital and very typical of any family. The solution of these problems, of course, develops according to the laws of the sitcom, but these laws have their limits - the story does not turn into a farce.
Сюжетная линия сериала Воронины следующая: В Москве, в трехкомнатной квартире "Сталинке", живет молодая семья. Члены этой семьи и главные действующие лица сериала - Костя, его жена Вера и трое их детей - пятилетняя дочь и два двухлетних сына-близнеца. Всё было бы хорошо в их жизни, если бы не их соседи, которые живут рядом с ними - на одной лестничной площадке. Конфликты и проблемы, с которыми герои пытаются справиться в сериале, жизненно важны и очень типичны для любой семьи. Решение этих проблем, конечно, развивается по законам ситкома, но у этих законов есть свои границы - история не превращается в фарс.
The entrance to the gallery is free. This gives an opportunity to a lot of people to get to know about the development of different schools of painting, painters and painting techniques in different periods of time.
The National Gallery attracts not only tourists from all over the world but also students and pupils living in London. There are a lot of events which take place in the gallery both free and chargeable. Anyone who is interested can attend weekly guided tours around the gallery. Nowadays there are about 2300 canvasses in the National Gallery. Among them there is The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, Self Portrait at the age of 34 by Rembrandt, Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh and many others.
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