Old boy' tom chambers returned to school last week to talk about his amazing trip to kazhakstan. he told us he 'always wanted / had always wanted to travel as much as possible, and he said that he already had / has plans for his next trip because he 'hadn't had /hasn't had enough time to do everything the first timel we told him we "had been / were interested in glaciers, so he showed us some photos of his trip to the manshuk mametova glacier. he said it has been / had been the best part of his trip- but he also said that next time he had taken / would take more comfortable boots! before the talk, i'd never really thought about going on a trip like that. it sounded too adventurous and a bit scary to0 - but at the end of his talk tom said that nothing 'was / had been impossible and that we would /could do anything we really want / wanted to do- so maybe l'lí start planning too!
1- always wanted
2- has
3- hadn"t had
4- had been
5- has been
6- would take
7- had been
8- could
9- wanted