Open House at Rosemont School POBCE
fter the lessons Mrs Miller announced, “Rosemont is planning
to have an open house. All the mothers and fathers can visit
the school. Each class will exhibit its best work, and children will
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be in each room they will answer questions. Others will enter-
tain the parents. The little children's band will perform rhythms,
the fifth- and sixth-graders will do folk dances in the gymnasium,
and the seventh- and eighth-graders will give cookies and coffee in
the science room. Some of the children will perform a play. One of
the eighth-grade girls will read the story aloud. And the younger
children will act and dance the story in pantomime."
Many young people feel guilty about eating too much chocolate. Chocolate does contain a lot of fat. However, if your diet is balanced, eating chocolate in moderation is fine. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the body. Almost all food can be eaten without any cooking at all. Most people ear raw fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetables are important for our health. The proverb says: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.