Опиши картинку по образцу
1) I'd like to the describe picture
2) This picture shows
3) She (he) is a students(pepil, teacher)
4) She (he) is in room(in the park, in the house)
5) She (he) is playing (крч, что она там делает)
6) She (he) has got - hair - eyes. She (he) is slim(fat, tall, short)
7) She (he) looks happy(sad, beautiful)
8) I like this picture
My ambitions
They say it is important to have ambitions. Ambitious people achieve higher levels of education, have more prestigious jobs and higher income. I believe an ambition is a person's desire to achieve a goal through a process that demands hard work and determination.
I have a few ambitions in my life and I know what I should do to fulfil them. My first ambition is to become a good doctor. I want to treat children and help them to stay healthy and fit. I know how important it is to study at achool well (it wil help me to enter the university) and I am already working hard. My favourite school subjects are Biology and Chemistry. I also want to know English well, so I try to practise it every day. My second life ambition is to have a close-knit family. I love my parents and I want my own family to be like ours. The third ambition is to be happy and live my life to the fullest. I think if I do something I enjoy every day, if I do something good for someone else, I will feel happy.
I often think about my ambitions and it helps me to get my priorities right when I get lazy and don't feel like working.
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Древние люди охотились на диких животных. В нашей жизни есть домашние и дикие животные. Люди не могут убивать некоторых животных. Эти животные есть в "Красной Книге". В "Красной Книге" есть : некоторые обезьяны, дельфины, некоторые рыбы, белые тигр и другие животные.