Ann and Kate had nice weekends! On Friday evening they were at the playground. They played with a ball. On Saturday helped her mother. The gid deaned the floor and I washed the dishes. Then she played computer games. On Saturday evening Kate went to the zoo with her parents. She watched lions and monkeys there. Ann was at the cinema on Saturday. She watched an interesting cartoon. In the evening Ann walked her dog in the park. On Sunday Ann and Kate was at the beach. They swam in the river. The girls had a lovely time! In the
evening they came home and did their homework Ann went to bed early because they had to go to school on Monday.
1) Який винахідливий розум у цієї дитини! 2) Негідна поведінка Алекса шокує! Він брехав про кожного з нас! 3) Це було сміливе рішення. 4) Вони дали старому джентльмену золотий годинник в якості нагороди за його доброту. 5) У нас був дійсно багатий на події день .Вранці ми пішли в центр Москви і подивилися пам'ятки Кремлю.Ми пообідали в рестораній вежі і ввечері ми пішли в Большой театр. 6) Ірен слухняна дочка завжди робить те, що її мати просить. 7) Чому ви повинні дивитися телевізор в той час як я всі речі в будинку? Це несправедливо! 8) Він сказав, що ніколи не був там, але він лежав. 9) Ми живемо в межах легкої досяжності від магазинів. 10) пляшка була за його досяжності, але в нашій. 11) Вона як і раніше під слідством іспанської поліції. 12) Його послуги були винагороджені.
Ann and Kate had nice weekends! On Friday evening they were at the playground. They played with a ball. On Saturday helped her mother. The gid deaned the floor and I washed the dishes. Then she played computer games. On Saturday evening Kate went to the zoo with her parents. She watched lions and monkeys there. Ann was at the cinema on Saturday. She watched an interesting cartoon. In the evening Ann walked her dog in the park. On Sunday Ann and Kate was at the beach. They swam in the river. The girls had a lovely time! In the
evening they came home and did their homework Ann went to bed early because they had to go to school on Monday.