The medical profession - one of the oldest professions. In the history of the names will forever be the first prominent physicians of antiquity, whose knowledge and skill to treat people not only saved many lives, but also led to the development of medicine. The duties of the modern doctor include: to provide timely routine and emergency medical care, identifying the causes of various diseases, diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation and implementation of preventive measures, the introduction of new drugs and medicines, the implementation of health education among the population, the development and introduction of new methods diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Profession includes many specialties allocated to those organ systems or those disease-specific treatment which involved the doctor. Most doctors working in specialized medical institutions: polyclinics and hospitals in emergency station, stations, emergency and first aid.
1) My friends visit musiums every November and March. - Мои друзья посещают музеи каждый ноябрь и март. - Present Simple - Active Musiums are visited by my friends every November and March. - Passive
2) We ate Christmas cake. - Мы съели рождественский пирог. - Active Christmas cake was eaten by us. - Passive
3) The first of December will be tomorrow. - Завтра будет первое декабря.- Future Simple Passive
4) Our uncle will make a big cake for my birthday.- Наш дядя сделает большой торт на мой день рождения.- Future Simple Active A big cake will be made by my uncle for my birthday. - Passive
5) You watched this film last Sunday. - Ты смотрели фильм вечером. - Active This filw was watched by you last Sunday. - Passive
The duties of the modern doctor include: to provide timely routine and emergency medical care, identifying the causes of various diseases, diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation and implementation of preventive measures, the introduction of new drugs and medicines, the implementation of health education among the population, the development and introduction of new methods diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
Profession includes many specialties allocated to those organ systems or those disease-specific treatment which involved the doctor.
Most doctors working in specialized medical institutions: polyclinics and hospitals in emergency station, stations, emergency and first aid.
Musiums are visited by my friends every November and March. - Passive
2) We ate Christmas cake. - Мы съели рождественский пирог. - Active
Christmas cake was eaten by us. - Passive
3) The first of December will be tomorrow. - Завтра будет первое декабря.- Future Simple Passive
4) Our uncle will make a big cake for my birthday.- Наш дядя сделает большой торт на мой день рождения.- Future Simple Active
A big cake will be made by my uncle for my birthday. - Passive
5) You watched this film last Sunday. - Ты смотрели фильм вечером. - Active
This filw was watched by you last Sunday. - Passive