Определите функцию слов, оканчивающихся – ing: а) причастие в функции определения; б) причастие в функции обстоятельства; в) причастие, входящее в состав временной формы continuous; г) герундий. 1.the non-conducting material separating the plates is called dielutric. 2.frequency-modulation presents an effective way of increasing the signal-to-noise rate at the receiver. 3.we are always trying to improve the quality of the transmitted signal.j 4.flowing through a conductor the alternating current reverses its direction at regular intervals.
2. Frequency-modulation presents an effective way of increasing
(г) the signal-to-noise rate at the receiver.
3. We are always trying (в) to improve the quality of the transmitted signal.
4. Flowing (б) through a conductor the alternating current reverses its direction at regular intervals.