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29.04.2020 08:48 •  Английский язык

Определите, какое время употреблено в предложении. 1When a mixture of a combustible gas or air is heated the temperature is reached at which the mixture will burst into flame.
2 Постройте отрицательное предложение. Переведите предложение.
Firefighters managed to contain the fire and prevent the spread of fire.
3 Продолжите предложение
Heat, fuel and oxygen are called……………
4 Выбери правильный вопрос
Fires in the home can be caused by faulty wiring in plugs and electrical appliances.
a) What can the fire be caused in the home?
b) What can the cause of the fire in the home?
c) What can the fire in the home be caused?
5 Напишите русские эквиваленты
1 equipment
2 fire triangle
3 the spread of fire
4 wiring
5 faulty wiring
6 Перепишите предложение, употребляя сложное дополнение.
We expected that the fire would be extinguished quickly.
7 Соотнесите видовременные формы глагола с их названиями
1 V2|ed| a) Future Simple
2 will V1 b) Past Simple
3 was| were V ing c) Past Perfect
4 had V3 d) Present Perfect
5 have |has V3 f) Past Progressive
8 Определите, какое время употреблено в предложении.
Hundreds of people were injured in the trash crash
9 Выбери правильный вопрос.
The solid extinguishing agents, which find little application in firefighting generally, are of value in dealing with metal fires
a) What extinguishing agents are of value in dealing with metal fires?
b) What are extinguishing agents of value in dealing with metal fires?
c) What extinguishing are agents of value I dealing with metal fires?
10 Переведите предложение. Определите временную форму глагола.
Threats of acts of nature and man-caused catastrophes have become a part of human life.
11 Выпишите конструкцию Complex Object. Переведите предложение.
We want the fire to be extinguished.
12 Переведите предложение. Выпишите конструкцию «Сложное подлежащее»
Nick is said to be living in England now.
13 Переведите предложение и определите, какое время глагола употреблено в предложении.
The fire was extinguished by the use of first appliances.
14 Напишите соответствующие русские эквиваленты.
a) explosion
b) first aid appliances
c) carbon dioxide fire extinguishers
15 Переведите предложение. Выпишите конструкцию «Сложное дополнение».
We didn’t expect the fire to be extinguished so quickly.
16 Выбери правильный ответ.
It’s suspected that a fire……….for some time in a building and it may be extinguished only by some fire brigade.
a) have been burning
b) is burning
c) had been burning
17 Определите, какое время глагола употреблено в предложении. Выпишите видовременную форму глагола.
New sensitive detectors manufactured by the research institute are recommended for the protection of the high-value equipment involving electrical and electronic equipment.
18 Переведите предложение. Определите видовременную форму глагола
Extinguishing was complicated by the fact that sometimes there were explosion, the destruction of tanks with flammable liquid
19 Напишите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний.
1 короткое замыкание в проводке
2 предотвратить распространение огня
3 взрыв
4 углекислотный огнетушитель
5 вытеснить кислород
20 Переведите прямую речь в косвенную речь.
He said, «I want to be a fire inspector»?
21 Выбери правильный вопрос. Переведите предложение.
Powder fire extinguishers are intended for suppression of ignition of mineral oils, inflammable liquids , and also for extinguishing of electric installations up to 1000 V voltage.
a) What powder fire extinguishers are used for?
b) What are powder fire extinguishers used for?
c) What powder fire extinguishers used for?
22 Выпишите сложное дополнение. Переведите предложение.
We know him to be a rescuer
23 Выбери правильный ответ. Определите тип условных предложений.
If they ………their work yesterday, they would have finished it already
a) had started
b) have started
c) would start
24 Постройте отрицательное предложение.
Firefighters managed to contain the fire and prevent the spread of fire on the fuel tanker, which was on the territory of the ware house.
25 Напишите эквиваленты следующих сочетаний.
1 the content of harmful substances
2 operative duty service
3 rescue equipment
4 explosion
5 to burn

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08.09.2022 15:25

My parents go shopping for food to the nearest supermarket nearly every day. We also have a special shopping day when we go to different shops together. It’s Saturday because all members of my family have a day-off. We go to several stores on this day. It can be a grocery, a bakery, a clothes store, a cosmetics store, a pharmacy, a store of electronic appliances and some others.

My favourite shop is a clothes store. I really like shopping for new clothes and shoes. My mum always helps me to choose the right size and the right design.

However, I prefer shopping with my best friends. Not far from the place where I live there is a huge mall with numerous shops, restaurants, an ice-rink, a cinema and entertainment facilities. We often go there for shopping or just to have a good time. It has become our favourite pastime recently. We don’t always buy something but window-shopping can be also fun.

My parents say that in the past there were no big stores like this and sometimes it was difficult to find what you wanted. At the moment I can’t even imagine how people could have lived without shops and goods. I’m glad we have many opportunities for shopping.

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17.05.2021 16:42

Задание 1

1.We would make nice pictures if Paola brought a camera.

2. If was snow, the kids would make a snowman.

3. I would buy this laptop if I had enough money.

4. If our granny put on her glasses, she would see the flowers.

5. If you were too busy, we would leave you alone.

6. I would plant the tomatoes tomorrow if was rain.

7. If Bob found his relatives, he would live with them.

Задание 2

1.I would leave Moscow if I had some money.

2.If I were you I would tell him everything.

3.If I knew the weather forecast I would take the umbrella.

4.I would go for a walk If I wanted

5. I would lend you my textbook if I had it

6. If we could get the tickets we would go to the concert

7. If they were here they would be happy

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