oscar wilde
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oscar wilde was born in dublin on october 16, 1854. his father was a famous irish surgeon. his mother was well known in dublin as a writer of verse and prose.
at school, and later at oxford, oscar displayed gift for art and the humanities.
while at the university, wilde became one of the most famous personalities of the day: he wore his hair long, decorated his room with different beautiful things. his witty sayings were well known among the students.
after graduating from the university, wilde turned his attention to writing, travelling and lecturing.
oscar wilde earned the reputation of being the leader of the aesthetic movement and an apostle of beauty.
his most famous works appeared over the next ten years. the most popular are "the happy prince and other tales", "the picture of dorian gray", and his comedies "lady windermere's fan", "an ideal husband", "the importance of being earnest".
wilde also wrote poems, essays, reviews, letters. he attracted the attention of his audiences by the brilliance of his conversation, his knowledge, and the force of his personality.
in his works, especially in his tales, he glorifies beauty, and not only the beauty of nature or artificial beauty, buo the beauty of devoted love. he admires unselfishness, kindness and generosity ("the happy prince", "the nightingale and the rose") and despises egoism and greed ("the selfish giant", "the devoted friend"). the theme of most of his works, even of his tales, is quite realistic. he shows the contrast between wealth and poverty. his own sympathy for poor, labouring people is quite evident.
at the height of his popularity and success, tragedy struck. he was accused of immorality and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. when released from prison in 1897, he lived mainly on the continent, settling later in paris. in 1898 he published his poem "ballad of reading gaol". he died in paris 1900.
questions: when did oscar wilde display gift for art and the humanities? 2. what did oscar wilde do after graduating from the university? 3. what reputation did oscar wilde earn? 4. what did oscar wilde write? 5. what did he despise and what did he glorify in his works? 6. why was oscar wilde sentenced to two years' imprisonment? 7. when did oscar wilde die?
Телебачення — найважливіша частина засобів масової інформації.Сьогодні тслебачення дає людям можли-вість бути добре проінформованими і насолоджуватися радощами цивілізації.Програми різні, і люди бажають вибирати те, що вони хочуть дивитися.Також в рекламах ви можете побачити необхідний вам товар. /biznes_literatura/marketing__reklama/Телебачення забсзпечує хороші можливості для освіти.Я надаю перевагу програмам, присвяченим спеціальним предметам.За до телебачення я можу вивчати іноземні мови, взнати багато цікавого, що стосується світу флори і фауни.Перегляд телебачення можна порівняти з читанням книг.Це забезпечує вираження творчих талантів.Я дивлюсь телебачення ввечері.У мене багато програм, які транслюються через супутникове та кабельне телебачення.Вибір каналів від 10 до 100.Мої улюблені канали— 1+1, Інтер, СТБ та НТВ.Ці канали показують різні передачі: від документальних, поточних подій і спорту до іноземних фільмів і науково-фантастичних мультфільмів.У підсумок, я би сказала, що телебачення шокувало, здивувало і стимулювало.Воно принесло балет, оперу та театр великим масам людей.Воно також було в авангарді нової драматурги.Зараз цей засіб комунікації дозволяє людям спілкуіштися, навіть якщо вопи далеко один від одного.Сучасне життя неможливе без телебачення.