1. Hi, Susan! This Island is great! We`re having a wonderful time here. We swim every day. The weather here is always fine. I am writing this letter in a bar on the beach. I am drinking juice now. Mary is learning to swim at the moment. I do not see her now. But I hope she is all right. I am happy. See you soon. Love to all. Peter. 2. I have a very good friend. She is interested in many problems of modern life. She is not at home now, she is in the library. My friend is working on her report at the moment. She always work hard on her tasks. 3. My brother is a vegetarian. He never eats meat. He thinks that meat is not healthy. He is having dinner now. He has only vegetables for his dinner. 4. For many people the best season of the year is autumn. I like autumn too. It is September now. The leaves are red and yellow. I am watching how, the leaves are falling on the ground now.
2. I have a very good friend. She is interested in many problems of modern life. She is not at home now, she is in the library. My friend is working on her report at the moment. She always work hard on her tasks.
3. My brother is a vegetarian. He never eats meat. He thinks that meat is not healthy. He is having dinner now. He has only vegetables for his dinner.
4. For many people the best season of the year is autumn. I like autumn too. It is September now. The leaves are red and yellow. I am watching how, the leaves are falling on the ground now.
Я ложусь спать около десяти часов.
«английская еда
типичный английский завтрак включает мясо и яйца, помидоры, бобы, грибы и
тосты. Традиционный напиток на завтрак-чай с молоком или апельсиновым соком.
На обед многие англичане едят бутерброды с мясом, рыбой, курицей, яйцами, сыром,
овощами. Многие люди ходят в знаменитые магазины рыбы и чипсов и покупают традиционное
британское блюдо.
Большинство англичан пьют свой традиционный пятичасовой чай с печеньем или пирожными.
Британцы едят свой ужин примерно в 7 часов, когда вся семья находится дома
. Типичный ужин - мясо и овощи. На десерт у англичан есть пудинги
с мороженым или вареньем.
английская еда простая, но очень вкусная.