Отдаю все 20 что остались ,это Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
1) Let us help her to complete the work,...? 2)Everything has gone bad today,? 3) How beatiful the garden is,...? 5) Nobody puts up with her behaviour,? 4) The Titanic was thought to be unsinkable,? 6) We've never been there,?
Rewrire the sentences using inversion
1) She never at any time said that she was allergic to cats.
2)Mark didn't realise that he had lost his keys unti he got home.
3) The companies maximise their profits.
4) I only noticed that my glass was broken when I filled it.
Only when
Женщина-грабитель пошла в банк и дала кассиру отрывок со словами: «Отдай мне все, но не звони в полицию, или я тебя застрелю!» Кассирша была такой Но она так боялась, что Она сказала, что начала класть деньги в бумагу ... очень медленно, и деньги грабителя банка, потому что у нее дрожали руки. Она была, но она начала плакать. Банк нетерпеливый. Женщина-грабитель расстроилась и пошла на улицу в другой банк. Там кассир не так испугался и отдал ей все деньги. Тогда она просто ушла с более чем 300 000 долларов.
Ты не написала что именно я должна была сделать с текстом, по этому я просто перевела
1 What happened to Norman? 2. Who broke the window? 3. Who told you this news? 4. What happened to your eye? 5. What fell on his head? 6. What happened? 7. Who sent Sue tsve- you? 8. Who will bring the package? 9, What's in the garden? 10. Who works in this office? 11. What was stopping her? Fear. 12. Who killed him? 13. Who gives you lunch? 14. Who remembered? 15. What is going on with you? 16. What exactly happened? 17. Which of us really believes? 18. What made him change his mind? 19. Who chose him/it? 20. Who did this? 21. Who is bored? 22. Who helped him escape from prison? 23. Who's sitting next to you in class? 24. Who told you that? 25. Who has seen them? 26. Who else was there? 27. What's wrong with us?