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21.03.2020 18:10 •  Английский язык

Отметьте все предложения, в которых необходимо использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом. I went to the library (study) last night.
I’d like (dance).
Don’t let your children (swim) in the river.
Would you like (join) us?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых необходимо использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

I went to the library (study) last night.
I’d like (dance).
Don’t let your children (swim) in the river.
Would you like (join) us?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

Your parents expect you (become) a great specialist.
Jason's aim is (play) in the national football team.
Karry, do you like (listen) to pop music?
I think that Susan wasn't very happy (meet) me at Helen's party.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

Young parents often make their child (eat) too much.
My mom always says that I shouldn't let a stranger (come) in.
Why (buy) it right now?
You'd better (keep) silent, children!

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

I don't have enough money (buy) a new phone.
I hope (get) better soon.
You look tired.You'd better (go) home and (stay) in bed.
I was planning (do) a lot of things yesterday.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

Don't forget (call) me back when you're at home.
Mrs Grimson, may I (go) out?
He refused (believe) that was true.
How did you manage (make) Jerry start doing yoga?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

Should we (do) all these exercises today?
Garry always stops at this cafe (have) a snack while visiting his grandparents.
What should we (do) in this situation?
I would rather (buy) a red sweater than a green one.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

It's a very serious situation. You'd better (call) the police.
Frank might (move) to Washington, but I'm not sure.
We invited our friends (have) a good time together.
My sister doesn't let me (go) to the beach with her.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

My sister doesn't want (move) to Jacksonville.
Does she know how (play) this game?
I'd prefer (eat) out tonight.
You must (visit) your grandma at hospital.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать частицу "to"с инфинитивом.

I moved to Littleton (spend) more time with my family.
We want (spend) more time together.
Let's (spend) more time together!
I'd rather not (spend) much time with these people.

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

Let me (be) your friend!
I'd prefer (go) to the cinema with my friends.
Lesly, how about (make) a cherry pie for the party?
Are you old enough (drive) the car?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

(Eat) more fruits and vegetables helps us stay healthy.
I'm afraid, this pill doesn't help. Let's try (take) another medicine.
We'll never forget (travel) to the Crimea last year!
Do you mind (move) your bike, please?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

Kate'd prefer (have) fruit salad for lunch.
Can you (help) me to find the way?
You'd better (have) lunch in the garden, it's so nice weather today!
He always makes me (feel) creepy!

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough money for (buy) such an expensive gadget.
Last year I stopped (go) to the swimming pool.
My old coat needs (repair).
Can I (borrow) your dictionary?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

I went back to Littleton (spend) more time with my grandparents.
Katy is too young (wear) such expensive jewellery.
Sandy goes in for (swim) three times a week.
Would you like (organise) a party for the winners?

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

Stop (drink) fizzy drinks. It's bad for your health.
I don't remember (visit) this place before.
I have difficulty (translate) this poem from Chinese.
I can't stand (wait) for you!

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

I will never (tell) your story to Kevin.
I will never let you (cry) because of me!
You can (trust) me!
I promise (keep) your secret!

Отметьте все предложения, в которых нужно использовать герундий.

All children dream of (become) adults.
(Cook) is the best hobby ever!
Frank hopes (become) a famous person one day.
I prefer using my own car (get) to the office. It's much faster.

Показать ответ
30.08.2020 18:02

I do exercise in my free time, go for a walk, and sometimes sit on the Internet. After school, I have free time, I devote this time to walking, friends and parents. I always try to help my mom with cleaning and my dad with talking. I communicate with friends and go out for a walk. Life is short to sit on the Internet and not enjoy it. If a person does not have free time, then the person leads a passive lifestyle and does not communicate much. You can't do without free time.


Я в свободное время делаю зарядку, выхожу на прогулку, иногда сижу в интернете. После уроков, у меня есть свободное время, я посвящаю это время прогулкам, друзьям и родителям. Всегда стараюсь маме с уборкой, а папе разговорами. Сообщаюсь с друзьями и выхожу погулять. Жизнь коротка, чтобы сидеть в интернете и не наслаждаться её. Если у человека нет свободного время, то человек ведёт свой образ жизни пассивно и мало общается. Без свободного времени обойтись нельзя.

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16.03.2021 05:26

From 1996 to 2004 he performed for the World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment (WWF / E), leaving the company to pursue an acting career. He returned to WWE in 2011 and performed until 2013, and then occasionally appeared with the company until his retirement in 2019 [5].

He is an eight-time WWF / E champion, two-time WCW champion, two-time WWF intercontinental champion and five-time WWF team champion. He is also the sixth Triple Crown champion and winner of the 2000 Battle Royale.

In 2000, Johnson wrote his autobiography, The Rock Says, which debuted at # 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Since 2001, he began acting in films, and in 2002 he starred in the film "The King of Scorpions". His fee of $ 5.5 million was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest fee for a first leading role. In addition, Johnson has starred in films such as The Mummy Returns, Walking Wide, Amazon Treasure, Doom, Tooth Fairy, Cops in Deep Stock, G.I. Joe: Cobra Throw 2 ”,“ Hercules ”,“ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ”,“ Jumanji: The Next Level ”, and also in the Fast and Furious series.

In August 2018, Johnson was ranked second in the Forbes ranking of the highest paid actors of the year. In 12 months, he earned $ 124 million [6]. In August 2019, Johnson took first place in the ranking of the highest paid actors of the year according to Forbes magazine. For 12 months, he earned $ 89.4 million [7].

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