ответить на вопросы . 1)which of the activities are indoor and outdoor? 2) which of them can you do alone or in company ? 3) which of them can you do in fair weather or in rainy weather? 4) which of the activities leave you cool? 5) which of the activities could help you to weather the storm? 6) which activities can help you create something new and original?
I went camping with my friend and class. At that moment, there was only joy on our faces. Could I think about what awaited us on the campaign after two hours? Vera and I waited until the counselors fell asleep and went into the forest. When we went a long enough distance, the sunset was already burning in the sky. While interrupting my friend, I asked: can we come back? "But she continued to move on, not suspecting that we would soon be lost. When night fell we got lost. Trying to find the way, we split. I screamed in the hope of being heard. In the end, the counselors found me.
1) a lump r) sugar - a lump of sugar
2) a bit 1) furniture - a bit of furniture
3) a flash a) lightening - a flash of lightening
4) a stroke p) luck - a stroke of luck
5) a slice n) cheese - a slice of cheese
6) a clap b) thunder - a clap of thunder
7) a sum o) money - a sum of money
8) an article c) clothing - an article of clothing
9) a loaf f) bread - a loaf of bread
10) a bar i) soap - a bar of soap
11) a spot g) rain - a spot of rain
12) a carton h) milk - a carton of milk
13) a tube j) toothpaste - a tube of toothpaste
14) a puff t) smoke - a puff of smoke
15) an item s) information - an item of information
16) a sheet m) paper - a sheet of paper
17) a strip k) cloth - a strip of cloth
18) a grain e) salt - a grain of salt
19) a block q) ice - a block of ice
20) a breath d) air - a breath of air