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A. Philips

Ainsley, a post-office sorter, turned the envelope over and over in his hands. The letter was addressed to his wife and had an Australian stamp.

Ainsley knew that the sender was Dicky Soames, his wife's cousin. It was the second letter Ainsley received after Dicky's departure. The first letter had come six months before, he did not read it and threw it into the fire. No man ever had less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. His wife was frank as the day, a splendid housekeeper, a very good mother to their two children. He knew that Dicky Soames had been fond of Adela and the fact that Dicky Soames had years back gone away to join his and Adela's uncle made no difference to him. He was afraid that someday Dicky would return and take Adela from him.

Ainsley did not take the letter when he was at work as his fellow-workers could see him do it. So when the working hours were over he went out of the post-office together with his fellow workers, then he returned to take the letter addressed to his wife. As the door of the post-office was locked, he had to get in through a window. When he was getting out of the window the postmaster saw him. He got angry and dismissed Ainsley. So another man was hired and Ainsley became unemployed. Their life became hard; they had to borrow money from their friends.

Several months had passed. One afternoon when Ainsley came home he saw the familiar face of Dicky Soames. "So he had turned up," Ainsley thought to himself.

Dicky Soames said he was delighted to see Ainsley. "I have missed all of you so much," he added with a friendly smile.

Ainsley looked at his wife. "Uncle Tom has died," she explained "and Dicky has come into his money".

"Congratulation," said Ainsley, "you are lucky."

Adela turned to Dicky. "Tell Arthur the rest," she said quietly. "Well, you see," said Dicky, "Uncle Tom had something over sixty thousand and he wished Adela to have half. But he got angry with you because Adela never answered the two letters I wrote to her for him. Then he changed his will and left her money to hospitals. I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen to me!" Ainsley turned pale. "So those two letters were worth reading after all," he thought to himself. For some time everybody kept silence. Then Dicky Soames broke the silence, "It's strange about those two letters. I've often wondered why you didn't answer them?" Adela got up, came up to her husband and said, taking him by the hand. "The letters were evidently lost." At that moment Ainsley realized that she knew everything

Questions on the text:

1) What was Ainsley?

2) Who was Dicky Soames?

3) What was the main reason for Ainsley's hiding Dicky's letters from Adela?

4) How did Ainsley behave when the second letter arrived?

5) What happened as a result of his behaviour?

6) Was Adela's uncle a rich person? Prove it.

7) Did he want Adela to come into his money and why did he have to change his will?

8) What did Ainsley mean saying, "Those two letters were worth reading"?

9) What proves that Ainsley's wife guessed everything?

10) Why do you think she said that the letters had been lost?


1) Ainsley read Dicky's letters before throwing them into the fire.

2) Adela often gave reason for jealousy.

3) It was a long time since Dicky Soames had gone away to Australia to join his uncle.

4) This fact made Ainsley forget his jealousy.

5) When the working hours were over Ainsley took the letter and left the post-office together with his fellow-workers.

6) The postmaster saw Ainsley getting out of the window and thinking that he had stolen something dismissed him.

7) Ainsley envied Dicky when he learned that the latter had come into his uncle's money.

8) When Ainsley understood that he was to blame for everything he told the truth

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Present simple (настоящее простое время)
Это время выражает то, что мы делаем всегда, обычно, каждый день, иногда, часто.
В утверждениях и вопроспх используем вс глагол Do; со всеми местоимениями, кроме: (he, she, it)
Я улыбаюсь каждый день
+ I smile every day
- I don't smile every day
? Do I smile every day?

Когда задаем вопрос вс глагол выносим вперед.

! Но, когда мы видим местоимения:

В утвердительном предложении к глаголу добавляем букву "s". ! В вопросах и отрицаниях мы не приписываем к глаголу "s".
В отрицаниях с этими местоимениями используем doesn't
+ He smiles every day
- He doesn't smile every day
? Does he smile every day?
0,0(0 оценок)
12.12.2020 16:34
1 If I see him I (will give) him a lift.
2 The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.
3 If he (eats) all that he will be ill.
4 If I find your passport I (will telephone) you at once.
5 The police (will arrest) him if they catch him.
6 If he (reads) in bad light he will ruin his eyes.
7 Someone (will steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.
8 What will happen if my parachute (does not open)?
9 If he (washes) my car I'll give him £10.
10 If she (needs) a radio she can borrow mine.
1 If I had a typewriter I (would type) it myself.
2 If I (knew) his address I'd give it to you.
3 He (would look) a lot better if he shaved more often.
4 If you (played) for lower stakes you wouldn't lose so much.
5 If he worked more slowly he (would not make) so many
6 I shouldn't drink that wine if I (were) you.
7 More tourists would come to this country if it (had) a
better climate.
8 If I were sent to prison would you (visit) me?
9 If someone (gave) you a helicopter what would you do
with it?
10 I (would buy) shares in that company if I had some money.
1 If I had known that you were in hospital I (would have visited) you.
2 The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse (would have won).
3 If you (had arrived) ten minutes earlier you would have got a
4 You would have seen my garden at its best if you (had been) here last week.
5 But for his quickness I (would have been been) killed.
6 I shouldn't have believed it if I (had not seen) it with my own
7 If he had slipped he (would have fallen) 500 metres.
8 If he had asked you, would you have (accepted)?
9 If I (had had) a map I would have been all right.
10 If I (had known) that you were coming I'd have baked a cake.
0,0(0 оценок)
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