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ответить на вопросы по данному тексту (1) Signaling technology has undergone the same revolution as telecommu-nications. Availability of powerful computer equipment and rapid information exchange techniques have led to more sophisticated signaling systems. These systems are not only able to drive the train, but decide when is the optimum time to brake, coast or accelerate for maximum energy efficiency. These abilities have allowed on-board computers to provide much more necessary information for a driver which was impossible some years ago.
(2) On the one hand, with the exception of some newly constructed lines, the cost of providing continuous data exchange between track and train can be high. On the other hand, up-to-date signaling systems help to save time which is of great importance for train operation. Secure coding of information has increased the effectiveness of in-termittent ATC and increased the quantity of data that can be handled.
(3) Although developed for metro lines, various components of ATC are in-creasingly being applied to main lines, because they provide automatic train protection, control and operation.
(4) Needless to say that safety has become a political question, forcing a reappraisal of what level of signaling technology is required. More and more practical railway engineers realize that ATC is essential for safe operation, even though statistics do not always support this view.
(5) Introduction of ATC is important from economic point of view. Thus, in metro driverless operation may help to save labour costs.
(6) It is quite clear that no modern railway can exist without ATC. Neverthe-less, introduction of this system is not such an easy task as it may seem at first sight. At present it’s a headache for many European railways. As we know many more high-speed railway lines are being constructed, more and more trains are being designed and produced specially for cross-border operation. All this makes operators’ work more re-sponsible and nervous. New up-to-date ATC facilities must be installed, and their de-sign, manufacture and installation require great expenses. But this work must be done, because to benefit from ATC system railways are to use it throughout their networks.
1. What was the result of introduction of powerful computer equipment?
Availability of powerful computer equipment and rapid information exchange tech-niques have led to more sophisticated signaling systems.
2. What are the main functions of sophisticated signaling systems?
These systems are not only able to drive the train, but decide when is the optimum time to brake, coast or accelerate for maximum energy efficiency.
3. Was it possible for a driver to receive all the necessary information some years ago?
These abilities have allowed on-board computers to provide much more necessary in-formation for a driver which was impossible some years ago.
4. Is it expensive to provide continuous data exchange between track and train?
With the exception of some newly constructed lines, the cost of providing continuous data exchange between track and train can be high.
5. Where are various components of ATC being applied?
Various components of ATC are increasingly being applied to main lines, because they provide automatic train protection, control and operation.
6. Do you think that safety is a political question? Can you give any reasons?
Safety has become a political question, forcing a reappraisal of what level of signaling technology is required. Because the safety of citiziens is the most problem of the author-ities
7. Why is introduction of ATC important from economic point of view?
Thus, in metro driverless operation may help to save labour costs.
8. Is introduction of ATC an easy task?
Introduction of this system is not such an easy task as it may seem at first sight.
9. Is an operator’s work responsible and nervous?
Yes, it is.
10. Why is it vital to introduce automatic train control?
As we know many more high-speed railway lines are being constructed, more and more trains are being designed and produced specially for cross-border operation.

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03.02.2020 12:03

During his autumn holidays Nick travelled to Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Nick and his family had a wonderful time in Brussels. It is a big city with a beautiful central square. People say it is very pleasant there in early spring and in summer when there are a lot of flowers in it. Nick and his parents stayed in a hotel in the centre of Brussels. They did the city and enjoyed Brussels a lot.

When Nick was in Russia again, he took all the maps, pictures and photos of Brussels to his school and showed them to his friends. They enjoyed Nick’s talk about Brussels and about the Hollywood film star Jean Claude Van Damme who is from Belgium. In Hollywood they gave him the nickname of “muscles from Brussels”.

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Прочитайте текст и скажите, какими были осенние каникулы Ника и почему они ему понравились.

Во время своих осенних каникул Ник побывал в Брюсселе, столице Бельгии. Ник и его семья прекрасно провели время в Брюсселе. Это большой город с красивой центральной площадью. Люди говорят, что там очень приятно ранней весной и летом, когда на ней много цветов. Ник и его родители остановились в отеле в центре Брюсселя. Они посмотрели город и наслаждались Брюсселем.

Когда Ник снова был в России, он взял все карты, фотографии и фотографии Брюсселя в свою школу и показал их своим друзьям. Им понравился рассказ Ника о Брюсселе и о голливудской кинозвезде Жан Клод Ван Дамм из Бельгии. В Голливуде ему дали прозвище «мышцы из Брюсселя».

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26.03.2023 16:26
На дальние расстояния большинство людей слышали о «титанике». это был самый большой пассажирский корабль в мире и был запущен в 1912 году, но он попал в айсберг и затонул в атлантическом океане с 1517 людьми. (1) это странная , но, к счастью, она лучше закончилась, чем оригинального титаника. алекс эванс работает на спасательной шлюпке в уэльсе, и он много времени проводит, спасая людей от моря. (2) несколько недель назад алекс торговал со своей матерью, когда зазвонил его мобильный телефон. он был удивлен, услышав сигнал и ответил на него. он был еще более удивлен, услышав голос своего друга марка корбетта, который был на моторной лодке в карибском бассейне за 4000 миль. (3) он сказал алексу, что лодка тонет, и им нужна ! алекс сначала подумал, что это шутка. (4) затем он услышал панику в голосе марка и понял, что это настоящая чрезвычайная ситуация. марк сказал, что в лодке много воды, и они потеряли власть. (5) он использовал спутник
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