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26.04.2021 19:33 •  Английский язык

ответить на вопросы по тексту 1.Is city life better than village life? 2.Does village life have its bad points?
3. Does living in a small community make you more sociable?
4. Does the village have few vehicles, so people have better transport facilities?
5. Does the village have a quieter environment?
6 . Does village people have many difficulties, so it is hard to lead a healthy life?
7. Do village people always try to protect their culture, so they have no cultural problems?
8 . Are roads in the village safer for driving and cycling?
9. Do plumbing facilities in the city provide people with pure water?
10. Are fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and milk available in the city?
To my mind, life in the city is much easier than in the country. You саn find work and there are a lot of interesting things to do and to see. Life is more convenient in a city: services are always better here. Besides in the city people have more chances to be successful and to be famous. There's more diversity in leisure time: clubs, parties, festivals, exhibitions, internet, the ability to easily meet many people from the same Internet. It is easier to make money than in the countryside. And in the city, you can quickly buy new things, remove the new housing. In the city of more people - more singles and more communication. It does not waste time growing food, less worries about the economy. Easier with hot water, toilets, electricity, heat, the ability to wash, to cook food. Simply create an opportunity for an appropriate education, the advantage - it is a good mobile communications and the Internet. However, there are lots of disadvantages of urban life. Big cities are overcrowded and its population is growing with every passing day. Another problem of big cities is air and water pollution caused by industrial plants, domestic heating and traffic. It is generally agreed that air pollution as well as smog have harmful impacts on health. Ecological situation in a village is usually not so bad. There are no big plants and other factories. That means that air in a village is a lot cleaner than in a dusty big city. Picturesque views. A village is surrounded by beautiful landscapes. It is so easy to go for a stroll in a forest. Some people move out of big cities to the countryside. One of the reasons is an opportunity to live in a detached house. When you are in the village you can hear only birds singing and leaves rustling and see only green and blue. There are no car`s horns or loud music from the clubs and people can enjoy the nature. But for every plus there is a minus. Most citizens even can`t imagine how people live in the country without heating, hot water, television. On the other hand there are many people who live there all their life and can`t imagine living in the city. Moreover there is often no light and people have to go to bed very early. There is often the only school for several villages and children have to get up very early and go very far and the roads in the country leave much to be desired. There are also some disadvantages of living in the village. First of all, it is a commuting problem. There is a lack of public transport in the country and that can be a great problem for people who need emergency assistance. Besides, if you want to make a career or get a higher education, you'll have to commute between your home in the country and your office in the city.

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21.02.2022 05:22

упражнение 2.

2. since, 3. for, 4. since, 5. for, 6. since, 7.for, 8.since, 9. for, 10. for, 11. for, 12. for, 13. for, 14. for, 15. since, 16. for, 17. since, 18. since, 19. since, 20. for, 21. since

упражнение 3

1. has written; 2. have drawm; 3. has blown out; 4. has drunk; 5. has fallen; 6. has given; 7. have made; 8. have eaten; 9. the train has just gone; 10. have just told; 11. have never been; 12. have just gone away; 13. has sold; 14. have read.

упражнение 4

1. hasn't watched; 2. hasn't already cleaned; 3. hasn't made; 4. hasn't bought; 5. haven't painted; 6. hasn't bought; 7. hasn't just cooked; 8. hasn't already eaten; 9. haven't gone; 10. haven't been 11. hasn't just broken;12. haven't cleaned; 13. hasn't phoned; 14. hasn't just arrived; 15. hasn't just started; 16. hasn't gone; 17. haven't left; 18. hasn't changed; 19. haven't worked; 20. hasn't been.

0,0(0 оценок)
21.02.2022 05:22

exercise 1

1. The pupils have written the dictation.

2. My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem.

3. I have learnt a poem.

4. She has told them an interesting story.

5. Kate has swept the floor.

6. The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him.

7. I have eaten my breakfast.

8. We have drunk water.

9. He has brought them some meat and vegetables.

10. You have put the dishes on the table.

exercise 2


since 1995

for a long time

since last month

for two weeks

since 2 March

for two hours

since 1975

for six days

for a month

for two years

for three days

for ten minutes

for three hundred years

since Wednesday

for seven days

since three o'clock

since 18 September

since my last birthday

for a century

since 2001

exercise 3

has written

have drawn

has blown out

has drunk

has failed

has given

have made

have eaten

The train has just gone.

I have just told the answer.

George has never been in Australia.

John and Richard have just gone away.

has sold

have read

exercise 4

Jack has not washed the dog.

Father hasn't already cleaned his car.

Mr. Snowdon has not made a speech at the conference.

Granny has not bought me any cakes.

They have not...

Liz has not bought any flowers.

My sister has not ...

The cat has not...

Mr Gracy has not...

I haven't ever been to India.

She hasn't...

We have not...

Chris hasn't...

The train has not just arrived.

It has not just started to rain.

Kelly hasn't gone to America.

We haven't left...

The street hasn't changed a lot.

You haven't worked here for a long time.

Mandy hasn't been to Greece.

0,0(0 оценок)
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