ответить на вопросы по тексту Barnaul
Barnaul is located on the left bank of the great Siberian River Ob.
It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the center of mining industry. In 1771 Barnaul has got the city status. In 1930 it became the center of Altai Krai. The city has a population of around 700,000 people.
The city is divided into 5 administrative districts: the Central district, the October district, the Zheleznodorozhny district, the Lenin district, the Industrial district. The Central district is one of the oldest istricts of the city. It is closely associated with the history of Barnaul. The Lenin and Industrial are relatively new districts of the city. There are many plants and factories there.
Barnaul is an important industrial center of Western Siberia. There are more than 100 industrial enterprises in the city (“Sibenergomach”; “Barnaul Transmash Holding”; Mashine Tool Plant and others). The main industrial enterprises produce diesels and metal-cutting lathes, steam-boilers, engines for machinery, machines and radio equipment. The plants and factories of Barnaul provide the market with cotton and synthetic fibres, chemical and textile goods, furniture and matches and so on.
Barnaul is an important regional center of scientific development. There are 5 universities, including Altai State Technical University, Altai State Pedagogical University, Altai State Medical University, Altai State Agrarian University and Altai State University in the city.
Every night the theaters of the city (e.g. the Altai Drama Theatre named after V. M. Shukshin, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Young Spectator’s Theatre), the State Philharmonic Society open their doors to lovers of drama, musical comedy, classical, pop music. There are several cinemas and museums (the Altai Museum of Local History, the Museum of History of Altai Literature, Arts and Culture). The pride of the city is the Fine Arts Museum which houses quite a few masterpieces by old and modern artists. There are more than 80 libraries in Barnaul. The biggest one is the Altai Local Scientific Library named after V. Ya. Shishkov. A lot of stadiums and sporthalls are at the disposal of our athletes. The swimming pools “Ob”, “Amphibia” and “Aurora” are popular with the people living here. The Palace of Sports hosts regional competitions, exhibitions, city celebrations and concert performances.
Answer the questions to the text “Barnaul”.
1. Where is Barnaul located?
2. When and whom was the city founded by?
3. When did Barnaul become the center of Altai Krai?
4. What is its population?
5. What district is associated with the history of Barnaul?
6. Barnaul is an important industrial center of Western Siberia, isn’t it?
7. What do the main industrial enterprises produce?
8. What do the plants and factories of the city provide the market with?
9. How many universities are located in Barnaul?
10. Barnaul is a cultural center, isn’t it?
У Мэри был маленький ягненок,
Его шерсть была белой, как снег;
И всюду, куда шла Мэри,
Ягненок уверенно шел с ней.
Однажды он пошел за ней в школу.
Конечно, это было нарушением!
Но дети смеялись и радовались,
Увидев ягненка в школе.
Как читать этот текст по-английски:
ˈmeəri hæd ə ˈlɪtl læm,
ɪts fliːs wɒz waɪt æz snəʊ;
ænd ˈɛvrɪweə ðæt ˈmeəri wɛnt,
ðə læm wɒz ʃʊə tuː gəʊ.
hiː ˈfɒləʊd, hɜː tuː skuːl wʌn deɪ;
ðæt wɒz əˈgɛnst ðə ruːl;
ɪt meɪd ðə ˈʧɪldrən lɑːf ænd pleɪ
tuː siː ə læm æt skuːl.
ˈmeəri hæd ə ˈlɪtl læm,
hɪz fliːs wɒz waɪt æz snəʊ,
ænd ˈɛvrɪweə ðæt ˈmeəri wɛnt,
ðə læm wɒz ʃʊə tuː gəʊ.
hiː ˈfɒləʊd hɜː tuː skuːl wʌn deɪ,
wɪʧ wɒz əˈgɛnst ðə ruːl,
ɪt meɪd ðə ˈʧɪldrən lɑːf ænd pleɪ
tuː siː ə læm æt skuːl.
ænd səʊ ðə ˈtiːʧə tɜːnd ɪt aʊt,
bʌt stɪl ɪt ˈlɪŋgəd nɪə,
ænd ˈweɪtɪd ˈpeɪʃəntli əˈbaʊt,
tɪl ˈmeəri dɪd əˈpɪə.
"waɪ dʌz ðə læm lʌv ˈmeəri səʊ?"
ði ˈiːgə ˈʧɪldrən kraɪ.
"waɪ, ˈmeəri lʌvz ðə læm, juː nəʊ."
ðə ˈtiːʧə dɪd rɪˈplaɪ.
У Мэри был маленький барашек.
У Мэри был маленький барашек.
Его шерсть была белой как снег,
И всюду, куда бы ни шла Мэри,
Барашек бежал за ней вслед.
Однажды пошел за ней в школу,
Что было против правил всех.
Но дети смеялись и радовались,
Увидев барашка в школе.
Поэтому учитель выгнал его,
Но он держался рядом со школой.
И терпеливо поджидал
Пока появится Мэри.
“Почему барашек так любит Мэри?”
-Нетерпеливо дети кричали.
“Видите ли, Мэри очень любит барашка”,
И без неё он скучает"- им учитель отвечает.