ответить по тесту на вопросы 30 нужно ! the bottom are those that provide merely a place to sleep. a system for rating hotels according to quality is widely used in france and a number of other countries. this system puts the top hotels in a special deluxe category, with other receiving from five stars to one star or "a's". the standard features include pri vate bathrooms, room telephones, recreational facilities and so on. the difference in quality between hotels is not entirely a mat ter of equipment or furnishings. the proportion of employees to guests and guest rooms is also a matter of prime importance. in general, the accommodations industry is labour-intensive; that is it employs a large number of people to perform its services. in a luxury hotel, there may be three employees for every guest room. in a large commercial hotel in a big city, the ratio is usu ally closer to one employee per guest room. obviously, the ser vices offered by a small hotel will be far more restricted than those provided by a luxury hotel. the larger and more luxurious the hotel, the greater the va riety of jobs that it offers. nevertheless, the administration and organization of a small hotel is similar to a large one. engineer ing and maintenance for a small establishment may be done by contract with local firms, whereas a large hotel will hire its own staff for these functions. generally, the problems and opportunities in all hotels are comparable, since all provide shelter, food and other services for the travelling public. (by e.j. hall)
2) Acrobats can jump well, can't they... ?
3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, didn't they... ?
4) You won't go to the circus tomorrow, will you... ?
5) They didn't play music, did they... ?
Write it in Englih .
1) наездница - a horsewoman
2) дрессировщик - a trainer
3) музыкант - a musician
4) жонглёр - a juggler
5) дрессированный - trained/tamed
6) акробат - an acrobat
7) цирк - a circus
8) зрители - spectators
9) выступать перед зрителями - to perform in front of the spectators
10) арена - an arena / a stage
Она движется вокруг пищи во время жевания (жевание) и акте глотания (глотание). Язык покрыт серию маленьких выступов, называемых сосочками, которые содержат клетки (вкусовые рецепторы), чувствительные к химической природе пищевых продуктов..Она движется вокруг пищи во время жевания (жевание) и акте глотания (глотание). Язык покрыт серию маленьких выступов, называемых сосочками, которые содержат клетки (вкусовые рецепторы), чувствительные к химической природе пищевых продуктов.