ОТВЕТЬТЕ НА ВОПРОСЫ, 1. What was the last feature film you watched? Did it stir any emotions? What important questions did it raise? 2. Are
films only a source of entertainment or do they shape the public
opinion? Can you name some films which convey an important
message and highlight social issues? 3. Do you agree with
Speaker 4 that films are a waste of time and money? 4. Do you
use any streaming services? Do you prefer to binge-watch a TV
series or to watch one episode a week? Are there any TV series
that are worth binge-watching? 5. Do you think the role of films
has changed since the first films were made? 6. How has the
film industry changed over the last 100 years? 7. How will films
change in the future?
Fill in the gaps with although or in spite of.
1. They didn’t find the ring in spite of looking everywhere for it.
2. He wasn’t wearing a coat in spite of the cold weather.
3. In spite of the snow, we went for a walk.
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
The train leaves at 11.45.
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
We are having dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (plans)
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
It is going to snow in the mountains tomorrow evening.
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
On Sunday at 8 o’clock I am meeting my friend. (arrangement)
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
They are flying to London on Friday evening. (arrangement)
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
Wait! I will drive you to the station.
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
The English lesson starts at 8.45.
Open the brackets and put the verb into Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to or Future Simple.
I am going to my sister in April. (plans)
*Тут неполное задание (пишу то, что может подойти по смыслу)
1. She has enough money now, so she is going to buy that computer.
2. I think that the play will start at 6:30 pm.
3. Maybe, we will buy a new villa.
Define the correct variant of future expression. Write the correct tense.
(future simple, present simple, present continuous)
1. I think Sam will swim in the river. - future simple
2. The concert begins at 8 pm. - present simple
3. She is meeting a famous person today. - present continuous
It is in his schedule.
Read the sentence and write the structure with “will”, “to be going to”, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
Примечание: Напишите 1 форму глагола в правильном времени. Все слова должны быть написаны с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Всё предложение переписывать не нужно!
Example answer: are going to repair
We are flying to France on 2 July. We bought the tickets last week.
Read the sentence and write the structure with “will”, “to be going to”, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
Примечание: Напишите 1 форму глагола в правильном времени. Все слова должны быть написаны с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Всё предложение переписывать не нужно!
Example answer: are going to repair
Look at the grey clouds! It is going to rain.
Read the sentence and write the structure with “will”, “to be going to”, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
Примечание: Напишите 1 форму глагола в правильном времени. Все слова должны быть написаны с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Всё предложение переписывать не нужно!
Example answer: are going to repair
I think I will buy these flowers. They look fresh.
Старий Львів. Місто, засноване на перетині торгівельних шляхів швидко розцвітало та розвивалося, ставши одним із головних торгових центрів середньовічної Європи. Переходячи від влади багатьох європейських країн, зокрема Польщі, Австрії, Німеччини та Росії, Львів перебирав від кожного зі своїх загарбників якусь частину культури та знань, з часом перетворившись на перлину архітектури. Цікава історія цього міста і під владою радянського тоталітаризму.
Сучасний Львів. Його можна назвати ледь не столицею сучасного наукового, духовного та мистецького життя. Усі державотворчі процеси становлення і утвердження української незалежності ініціювалися зі Львова. У 2021 році місто святкує своє 765-річчя.