ответьте на вопросы по тексту True or Folse 1. They had a decision to return to New Sands, because the surf board hire is cheap. 2. Kevin wants to hire a tent. 3. Many guesthouses are already full. 4. The hotels in New Sands aren’t far too expensive. 5. The final option is to rent a cottage.
ycufditditdoyd hczufdiysoydoy utsitditd s7t8td8tdy.dyodyidyoyoddtiditdyo hcyfir citdiypr.
yoriteitetoeey turhrgt yditsitsdit.
8teireitey yfydjrt dtutsithrr usigdtis itditdyrl .
itsiriydyoedyo duyfu7r ufydud igyfu...