Какую роль будут играть роботы в нашем будущем? Будут ли они только функциональными, или они будут нашими личными спутниками? Ученые-компьютерщики из Японии и США теперь считают, что роботы будут друзьями и они хороши для рабочих мест, которые «скучны, грязны и опасны». Другие считают, что роботы когда-нибудь станут частью повседневной жизни. Роботы сделать жизнь людей проще, чисткой дома или доставкой почты, но они не потребуют ухода, как семейное домашнее животное. Ученые видят следующий шаг - сделать роботов, которые могут чувствовать и демонстрировать эмоции. Однажды люди могут принимать роботов в повседневную жизнь, как и спутники, такие как семейная собака, которую они могут любить.
Susan: Hi. I'd like to come to the beginners' music class.
Do l have to (1) be able to play an instrument?
Teacher: No, you don't have to (2) play an instrument. You can (3) choose your instrument here, and we'll help you to learn.
Susan: Can (4) I come to a lesson first to see if I like it?
Teacher: Well, I'm afraid you can't (5) come to the lessons unless you sign up for the whole course.
Susan: OK can (6) I bring children?
Teacher: Yes, you can (7). Children love it.
Susan: Do I have to (8) bring my own instrument?
Teacher: No, we have instruments here you can (9) use.
Conversation 2
Student: I'm a student. How much do I have to (1) pay?
Secretary: It's a reduced rate, so you only have to (2) pay £130.
Student: Do I have to (3) register first?
Secretary: No, you don't have (4) to register. You can (5) come along to the first class. If you like the class, you can (6) complete the form at the end of the lesson.
Student: Can (7) I pay by cheque?
Secretary: Yes, you can (8) pay by card or cheque on the night.
Conversation 1
Susan: Hi. I'd like to come to the beginners' music class.
Do l have to (1) be able to play an instrument?
Teacher: No, you don't have to (2) play an instrument. You can (3) choose your instrument here, and we'll help you to learn.
Susan: Can (4) I come to a lesson first to see if I like it?
Teacher: Well, I'm afraid you can't (5) come to the lessons unless you sign up for the whole course.
Susan: OK can (6) I bring children?
Teacher: Yes, you can (7). Children love it.
Susan: Do I have to (8) bring my own instrument?
Teacher: No, we have instruments here you can (9) use.
Conversation 2
Student: I'm a student. How much do I have to (1) pay?
Secretary: It's a reduced rate, so you only have to (2) pay £130.
Student: Do I have to (3) register first?
Secretary: No, you don't have (4) to register. You can (5) come along to the first class. If you like the class, you can (6) complete the form at the end of the lesson.
Student: Can (7) I pay by cheque?
Secretary: Yes, you can (8) pay by card or cheque on the night.