Моё имя Александра. Мамочка зовёт меня Сашулей, папа – Александрой. Я учусь в третьем классе. Мне десять лет. Мои лучшие друзья Алина, Диляра,…почти весь класс. Всем подскажут, всем Мои бабули – Нина и Валя. Нина хорошо готовит, вкусные пирожки печёт. Ну, а у бабули Вали хобби такое – цветы выращивать. И еще у неё кошки есть: Пуся, Бегемот и Петруха. Пусю назвали так потому, что она пушистая. Бегемот – потому, что он тяжёлый, Петруха, потому что пестрая. Я обожаю заниматься танцами, рисованием, музыкой. У меня сестра есть, мы с ней дружим. Я, Настя и Рената нарисовали картину маслом. Конец рассказа!
1. I'm sorry, but Mrs White has gone out. 2. I am going to stay with you for the weekend. 3. When do you usually arrive at school? 4. My niece has been playing tennis for six months. 5. I don't play this game very well. You are never coming on time! 6. I think I won't be able to meet you tomorrow. 7. I have been working for three years. 8. Hurry up! By the time we get to the theatre, the play will have begun. 9. Oh, no! I have lost my wallet. 10. Have you ever driven this kind of car before? 11. The last time I went to the cinema was two months ago. 12. This is the first time we have flown a helicopter. 13. It's the first time I have visited Japan. 14. By the end of next year they will have been married
2. I am going to stay with you for the weekend.
3. When do you usually arrive at school?
4. My niece has been playing tennis for six months.
5. I don't play this game very well.
You are never coming on time!
6. I think I won't be able to meet you tomorrow.
7. I have been working for three years.
8. Hurry up! By the time we get to the theatre, the play will have begun.
9. Oh, no! I have lost my wallet.
10. Have you ever driven this kind of car before?
11. The last time I went to the cinema was two months ago.
12. This is the first time we have flown a helicopter.
13. It's the first time I have visited Japan.
14. By the end of next year they will have been married