П/п Название физической величины Обозначение Единица измерения Формула
1 Сила тяжести
2 Вес тела
3 Ускорение (проекция ускорения на ось ох)
4 Ускорение свободного падения
5 Скорость при равномерном прямолинейном движении( проекция)
6 Скорость при равноускоренном движении( проекция)
7 Проекция перемещения при ускоренном движении (путь)
8 Второй закон Ньютона
9 Кинетическая энергия
10 Потенциальная энергия
11. Полная механическая энергия
12. Импульс тела
13. Мгновенная скорость при свободном падении
14. Закон всемирного тяготения
15. Первая космическая скорость
16. Вторая космическая скорость
2. Погодные условия на Севере изучались метеорологами ежедневно. Информация об этих условиях изучается нашей группой в течение недели.
3. Точность станков будут улучшены из года в год. Один станок находится в стадии разработки в нашей лаборатории.
4. Перспективы использования солнечной энергии понятны каждому телу. Теперь солнечная энергия и ее использование изучаются многими исследовательскими группами.
1 Do you study mathematics? — Yes, I do. I study mathematics. — He said that he studied mathematics.
2. Do you go in for sports? — Yes, I do. I go in for sports. — He said that he went in for sports.
3. Will you go to the cinema this evening? — No, I won't. I won't go to the cinema this evening — He said that he wouldn't go to the cinema that evening.
4. Are you tired? – Yes, I am. I am tired — He said that he was tired.
5. Do you like to play volleyball? – No, I don't. I don't like to play volleyball. – He said that he didn't like to play volleyball.
6. Did you drink tea for breakfast? – Yes, I did. I drank tea for breakfast. – He said that he had drunk tea for breakfast.
7. Will you go skiing today? – Yes, I will (или shall). I (will или shall) go skiing today. – He said that he would go skiing that day.
8. When do you do your homework? – I do my homework in the evening. – He said that he did his homework in the evening.
9. Did you play chess with your friend? – Yes, I did. I played chess with my friend. – He said that he had played chess with his friend.
10. Where did you buy his bag? – I bought this bag in Italy. – He said that he had bought that bag in Italy.
11. At what time do you get up? – I get up at 7 o'clock. – He said that he got up at 7 o'clock.
12. Have you brought your English textbook to school? – Yes, I have. I have brought my English textbook to school. – He said that he had brought his English textbook to school.
13. Do you play the piano? – No, I don't. I don't play the piano. – He said that he didn't play the piano.
14. Are your hungry? – Yes, I am. I am hungry/ - He said that he was hungry.
15. Have you read the novel? – No, I haven't. I haven't read the novel yet. – He said that he hadn't read the novel yet.