Paddington 2 is a live-action animated comedy film, directed by . it based on the stories of paddington bear created by . In the film Paddington tries to get a for his aunt s birthday, but when the gift is stolen he is and imprisoned far the theft and his family have to the real culprit and prove Paddingtons .
1. Has he got a car? 2. Have they got a house? 3. Has she got children? 4. Have you got brothers? 5. Has he got a new job? 6. Has she got a lot of friends? 7. Have they got a camera? 8. Have you got fish soup for dinner today?
1. I haven’t got a family. 2. She hasn′t got children. 3. He hasn′t got a car. 4. They haven′t got a house. 5. You haven′t got French books. 6. I haven’t got a brother. 7. My friend hasn′t got relatives in Moscow. 8. She hasn′t got friends.