Pam: What's for breakfast, Dad? Dad: Jam on toast. Can you put the bread in the
'Toaster/ blender, please?
Pam: Sure. Do you want me to turn it off/ on now?
Dad: No, I can do it in a minute. But you can
Punplug it/plug it in.
Pam: Done. Can we have some hot chocolate too?
Dad: It isn't a good idea. It's got a lot of sugar
in it. But you can have hot milk. Put some
milk in the remote control / microwave
Pam: Oh, OK. Dad, can I check something quickly
on your computer? It's for my History lesson.
Dad: Yes, but be quick. Breakfast is in five minutes.
Five minutes later ...
Pam: Dad! What's that smell?
Dad: There's a problem with the toaster! It didn't
turn on/ off and the bread is black now.
Pam: Oh no!... Can I have hot
chocolate now?