Passive Voice 1. Старшеклассники смеялись над первокурсником.
2. Вчера группа поговорила с директрисой.
3. Молодые мамы заботились о своих детях с большой осторожностью.
4. Никто не жил в том старом доме.
5. Они послали за Джимом и сказали ему подготовить доклад на эту тему.
6. Мы постоянно думали о нашем друге.
7. Доктор прооперирует его через неделю.
8. Учитель послал за родителями ученика.
9. Они везде искали газету.
10. Сосед попросил телеграмму
hello anna,
i want to invite you to my is verry biautiful and famous,because its -Moscow.(или впишешь город в котром ты живешь).take with warm clothers because it will be verry cold in winter,so you know,i had said it in my previous letter.i want to ask you some questions:how you spent your last winter?how are you dad and mom?So i am ok.At last summer i had visited London-it was super travel in my life!So i think thats all for now i must go to help in somethig to my mum.So goodbuy see you on winter.
Lots of love(и напиши свое имя) 125 слов вроди бы если что дополни
1) Where is Mary? - Mary is in Mexico City.( So I am in Mexico City.)
2) What language does she learn? - She learns Spanish. (I learn Spanish.)
3) Does she work hard? - Yes, she does. She works very hard.(I work very hard.)
4) Is Mexico City larger than Cleveland? - Yes it is. Mexico City is much larger than Cleveland. (Mexico City is much larger than Cleveland,)
5) Is it more interesting? - Yes, it is more interesting.
6) Is Mexico City the biggest city in the world? - по тексту она считает его самым лучшим городом в мире (I think it is the best city in the world..), а в вопросе спрашивается Мексико-сити самый большой (the biggest city) город в мире? Может в тексте ошибка или в вопросе?
7) Is there too much traffic and smog in the city? - Yes, it is. There's too much traffic and smog. (But there's too much traffic and smog,)
8) Are there many restaurants with American food there? - There are not enough restaurants with American food. (..and there are not enough restaurants with American food,)
9) Are Mary's teachers very nice? - Yes, all of Mary's teachers are very nice. (All of my teachers are very nice.)
10) Do they speak English to their students? - No, they are not. None of them speak English to the students. (None of them speak English to us..)
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