Past Simple употребляется с такими наречиями: Yesterday |ˈjestədeɪ|’йестэдэй - вчера
Last week (month year) [last wi:k] ( |mʌnθ| |jɪə|) - на неделе (месяце, году)
Ago |əˈɡəʊ| э’гоу - тому назад
I went to the stadium yesterday. - Я ходил на стадион вчера
He played the piano last week. Он играл на пианино на неделе
I read that book many years ago. Я читал эту книгу много лет назад
My story was in the zoo. all loved the zoo and go there very often. It was always queues in the park. one could not ignore. there were a lot of animals. zebras, giraffes, elephants, rhinos, turtles, horses, geese, chickens, and others. all the animals were satisfied that they all loved and respected, but one day the boy came to the zoo. He did not give food to animals, and threw them in the trash. always animals released from the rooms to the lobby but they came back. zhivonye disappeared. all of them were looking for but not found. Zoo stopped attending people. the zoo came this boy, but the animals were not found. the boy realized what was happening and started to cry. he called animals palkal shouting, saying that it will not longer. a day the animals back, and the boy began to respect nature.
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